I was going to start a futures trading blog do I need a license?


I was thinking about blogging my past trading. I wanted to explain option spreads , options , and why I took that position etc. Also, blog about the markets in general I didn't want to give financial advice such as the market is at a top and it is going to crash soon so you should but a put or sell a future. More on how to use options or option ,future strategies. Do I need to take a series 3 test or register as a CTA? Any input would be great! I have been the futures biz over 14 years.
i was thinking about blogging my past trading. I wanted to explain option spreads , options , and why i took that position etc. Also, blog about the markets in general i didn't want to give financial advice such as the market is at a top and it is going to crash soon so you should but a put or sell a future. More on how to use options or option ,future strategies. Do i need to take a series 3 test or register as a cta? Any input would be great! I have been the futures biz over 14 years.

no,say what you want,there are no regs,its just your opinion,
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