I second that

David Knight

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Derek Payne

Derek Payne 5 days ago

Apart from losing my job ( I am self employed) and losing another small business at the age of 64 so difficult to think of starting all over again, one big thing has happened: Since March, I have banned the BBC, ITV, SKY and Channel 4 in my home. Banned. I want absolutely nothing to do with them.
nora fatty

nora fatty 5 days ago

Only 5 months “It's just a mask" will turn into "It’s just a vaccine," very quickly. In less than 5 months, our government has successfully divided the country into "obedient mask wearers”, and "selfish people who refuse to wear masks.” In less than 5 months, our government has dictated which events are acceptable and we are allowed to attend, and which are not allowed. Violent riots are acceptable and encouraged, while family gatherings and celebrations are not allowed. Standing in a graduation line is a "safety hazard,” but lining up at big-box stores is not. In less than 5 months, our government succeeded in closing family-owned businesses, while enriching large corporations it has vested interests in. In less than 5 months, our government persuaded the people to believe that a cashless society is a good thing—in the name of a government-sponsored virus. In less than 5 months, our government closed down schools, and permanently "restructured" education moving forward—under the guise of “public safety.” In less than 5 months, our government demonstrated how easily fearful people assimilate to lifestyle restrictions that have NO scientific premise. Our government has instilled fear as the ruling principle in the majority of the population in America. But the citizens are not afraid of the people in power, who are responsible for the removal of their freedoms and livelihoods. Instead, they are fearful of their neighbors, family, human contact, and the air they breathe. Our government manufactured hysteria. In less than 5 months, our government reduced a free people into slaves to the very system that oppresses them. People who are wearing masks "for the greater good”, will be the first to sign up for the new vaccine which will have zero longitudinal safety tests. What's more disturbing, is this vaccine will be used by our government as the standard deciding factor in our lives moving forward. Do you still think “It’s just a mask”? Wait until you are told that you cannot enter a store without proof of having the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you cannot go out into public places, travel, shop, or go to a doctor, without proof you are not a “risk” to others. You do realize that our government has successfully dictated to us when we are allowed to be outside, where we are allowed to go, and how our children will be educated—in less than 5 months. A majority of the population follow their illegal dictates blindly, all because they are told to do so. They will also repeat this behavior with the vaccine for their government-sponsored “virus.” It was NEVER about a mask, it was always about control.
I remember the good old days, when you could take your horseless carriage and go anywhere ones heart desired.
Then the government drew white lines down the road, and compelled us, against our will, to drive on just the left hand side of the road.
They said it was for own good, our own safety.
It was really about control.

Ah yes, the halcyon days, of people dying of typhoid, diptheria, polio and cholera.
The controlling government made us have inoculations, and took away our free will to have our internal organs turn to mush. I miss visiting graveyards to see line after line of tiny graves dedicated to dead kids.

Oh well.

PS: "government-sponsored virus"? Which government?
Are there any trained virologists or medical scientists that have any opinions in this?
Whilst I am respectful of teachers, I am not sure viruses are this guys forte.

"Coincidences": Event 201, the eerily prescient exercise to plan for pandemics, carried out in Oct 2019, just before a real pandemic, was one of a series, carried out every couple of years.
Link, found within 30 secs, describing similar exercises, going back a few years. (some on bio-terrorism, one on simulated smallpox attack, etc)
Their job is to play out possibilities, "just in case".

Would it be a "coincidence" if fire-fighters were called to a major fire within days of carrying out routine skills development on an exercise? Or, is it because they are probably tested regularly, to keep their skills sharp?
Are there any trained virologists or medical scientists that have any opinions in this?
Whilst I am respectful of teachers, I am not sure viruses are this guys forte.

"Coincidences": Event 201, the eerily prescient exercise to plan for pandemics, carried out in Oct 2019, just before a real pandemic, was one of a series, carried out every couple of years.
Link, found within 30 secs, describing similar exercises, going back a few years. (some on bio-terrorism, one on simulated smallpox attack, etc)
Their job is to play out possibilities, "just in case".

Would it be a "coincidence" if fire-fighters were called to a major fire within days of carrying out routine skills development on an exercise? Or, is it because they are probably tested regularly, to keep their skills sharp?

Thanks trendie, your comment highlights the fact that I did not make it clear why I posted that video..,

It's not about what this guy believes about event 201, id2020, Agenda21 and Agenda 30 (although I share his concerns)

This video is part of a whole (growing) series where ordinary people from all walks of life share their views. That's why I posted it.- For those who are sick of listening to the monopolized message from Gates and Fauci and Boris and Matt and the 24/7 media scaremongering etc. My mistake for not making that clear.

At this point, it's interesting to know how many ordinary folks and how many medical experts don't buy the 'new normal' world of medical id's and mandatory vaccinations that is planned in addition to the current 'requirements'

I don't think your fire fighters are fire starters who stand to make billions while providing the perfect antidote to fire, namely water, is a good argument.

Can't really say the same about vaccines and those who are desperate to forcibly supply them can we?

We can all find links 'within 30 secs' Unfortunately and increasingly these days, many lnks are repeatedly removed for 'wrongthink' by those who only have our health and well being in mind during these 'challenging times' as we 'fight' 'this deadly disease'.

BTW, It's interesting that you say you're 'respectful of teachers'. Sad to say, these days I am not. I no longer have a default setting of respect for certain professions. I respect those worthy of respect. That may be a subjective position, but that's another debate.
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'we've got to remember as human beings we are powerful. The foundations of the pyramid are the most important part and those of us at the bottom of the imaginary pyramid are the ones really with the power'
Rick, 34, Swimming Teacher, Manchester. 4th August 2020

HipStar 1 day ago

My kids are going in to first year secondary school tomorrow morning and I'm going to be watching closely. I've been beating myself up with worry over this time coming but it's here. The arguments that have gone on between myself and my hypnotised zombie wife have physically made me ill. I've seen this all coming from the beginning and shared the warnings on anti social media, I've been ridiculed, laughed at, ignored and as things get more and more ridiculous and obvious, They continue to go around in some hypnotised state. Curse and blessing that my kids can see what's happening and they know if any bull starts in the school i.e. masks, tests etc. That they will phone me immediately and I'm pulling them out the school regardless of what my wife and mother in law says... Seems I'm going to have a family war on my hands as well. My kids know to say 'no consent' to any test and to tell them that anything put into their body without consent is Rape.... Sorry I had to vent here but Bastxrds!!!
Ryan Stark

Bill Gates's father was a eugenicist but any suggestion that Bill Gates's funding of genetically modifying vaccines is some kind of eugenics is of course pure conspiracy.
Echos Bunnywoman

The harsher the rules the more the govts reveal themselves , it’s actually a good thing as the harsher the rules the more people will wake up . Let’s see more of this shit show. The protests at the end of the month will send them into another spiral , and they will cobble together more illogical rules . I say leave them to expose their true agenda and in the meantime defy everything they impose .
I agree with you on some points. Actually all, except the ones with masks and vaccination.

That doesn't tell us very much though.

Foir example you might want to get vaxxed but there's a huge spectrum between choice and Governments making it mandatory resulting in exclusion from society for those who refuse.
Has anybody now watched the full body cam video? I have. There is NO WAY these were racist cops. There is NO WAY these cops should be charged with murder. The simpletons will keep on believing everything the mainstream media tells them....just like they do with COVID-19.

Has anybody now watched the full body cam video? I have. There is NO WAY these were racist cops. There is NO WAY these cops should be charged with murder. The simpletons will keep on believing everything the mainstream media tells them....just like they do with COVID-19.

Because nobody died.

Cognitive dissonance is tough to break down.

If George is dead it would be the most open/shut case you ever saw.

Will cover this case here
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'This is murder'..

Dear Gareth,

As a retired GP of 40 years’ experience I was sickened to hear that St Johns Ambulance have instituted a murderous policy in which CardioPULMONARY Resuscitation (CPR) has now had the PULMONARY removed. Unconscious patients are to have their faces covered with a towel which will further reduce their oxygen supply. There is to be no “rescue breath” to help the patient breathe. The first principle of first aid is to CLEAR THE AIRWAY. The brain is starved of oxygen after 3 minutes, well before any ambulance could arrive.
This is murder.


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It's not a pandemic, it's an I.Q. test..


Michael Rupert gave this advice in a documentary back in 2010 called the, "Collapse".

Pretend you are on the Titanic, and the ship has hit the iceberg and is starting to sink and there aren't enough life boats.

The good news is, you are an engineer and YOU know how to build more life boats.

Now, there are three types of people on the Titanic:

1) People who are running around in FEAR, screaming and panicking.

2) People who are willing to listen to YOU and want to help you build more life boats.

3) People who don't think the boat is sinking.

The question you have to ask yourself is,
Which group of people are you going to offer your time and energy to?

Don't waste your time arguing with people.
Talk to people who will listen and are willing to have a civil discussion.
Anyone else, you are wasting your time!!!

I don't care if they are a co-worker, friend or family member.
If they won't listen and have a civil discussion, they simply don't respect you, and that is THEIR PROBLEM, NOT YOURS.
Walk away from anyone who doesn't respect you.

I'm going to paraphrase something Max Igan said,
"In this day and age, with access to the internet, even with all of the censorship that is going on,
It's not a pandemic, it's an I.Q. test.
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Waking up..


Hello all

Just wanted to provide some context for my maiden post on the forum. Me, well I was one of the sheep, living in a bubble of life until about 4 weeks ago. Admittedly I found all of this conversation bizarre. Thankfully, I have managed to wake up from my slumber and stop denying what is happening in front of my very eyes. I have watched on since March initially believing and fearing what was being pumped out by the Main stream media, I mean FFS they didn't even dilute the message it was the language of fear on every single level. Whilst I watched the events of the world unfold I began to seriously question the narrative, 2+2 wasn't making 4 but another number and it was the trigger I needed to really acknowledge the physcological warfare that is being served up to us.
During the 1st lockdown I sat at home restricted from liberties, couldn't see family, employees furloughed, made redundant, evicted, bankrupt society and people in fear of each other all under a perfectly blue sky and glorious weather. I mean how surreal was it to see shops, businesses closed or empty while the nation was sunning themselves on local beaches and parks. To rub salt into the wounds the expensive nightingale hospitals sat empty but perhaps more sickeningly frustrating was the multitude of tik tok/twitter videos of happy smiling nurses and doctors dancing along whilst vulnerable people are abandoned that 1 video of the N/west Ambulance service (I think it was) carrying a dead dummy to the Bee Gees stayin alive song really left a lot of vomit in my mouth. But here is the bit that really gets me and continues to actually shock me, its those that can't see what is going on and their ignorance in seeing what is front of their eyes. I have been told 'I need locking up' that Im stupid dangerous and here comes the hammer blow....not fit to be a parent and should have my kids taken off me beacuse I was an anti vaxxer (their words).
This whole episode from the deceit and arrogance of MP's to the moral busy bodies on the street who lap up Piers & Suzanna breakfast drivel has left me fearing for humanity and I will be honest I have lost total belief in friends, work colleagues and in some cases family to help us get through this shitstorm. Over the past few weeks I have been constantly living in anguish about what is to come , not what is to come for me but my beautiful children and my hopeful grandchildren.

However, I have started to look under the bed a little bit with all of this and there are some chinks of light of people that are slowly but surely giving me the will to stand up and fight not just comply into submission. The fact that what I'm writing something that I suppose feels quite militant and is in stark contrast to me as a person but this is what it has created and probably I am not alone here.
Yes, I'm new to all of this but I'm learning fast, one thing I do know is that I am warmed and encouraged by the people speaking out at various rallies etc I genuinely thought I was alone.
Unity is the foundation of survival and there is strength in solidarity, to all of those brave courageous people out there who are speaking truth to power, you have to keep going there are thousands of us sat at home unable to attend these rallies etc but you represent us.
Remember, 'they got the guns but we got the numbers, gonna make it if we try, get together one more time. Get together one more time'
Walk on, and don't be afraid of the dark.
Posted 11 hours ago

Captain Falcon

Posted 11 hours ago

So they're asking us all to put ourselves on "lockdown" again? And they're asking business owners to close their places of trade?
They're not telling us because they can't, they're asking us, they're suggesting it to us. It's a choice. Are they sending people out to close everyone's business are they?

What is "lockdown"? Are a handful of tossers in Westminster going around "locking down" near on 70 million people? No they're not, because they can't.

We're free, and we have a universal inalienable right to freedom and to defend that freedom from those who would try to take it away.

The government and their masters are the school bully asking for your lunch money. Tell them to fuck off.