I finally gave in a opened a TS account!!!


Active member
I must have been very studip not to have done this sooner like my freinds are have told me to do.

at this moment I a very overhelmed by undeztanding the EL coding and abundent features and potential for this new platform. heck I really loved QT and IB but love the Radarscreen this tool alone would have saved at least 10 years of my life due to being a nerous reck adn depressed.

I have palyed with radar screen and have gotten some ocillators displayed althougth not the ones I would like to have but it is a start. the cahrting is not up to the level I have with Qoutetracker but its getting there.

Would any of you kind Chaps help an assit me in plot MACCi multitime frame in cahrts and in RS? I would also like to have the Vwap mpd bands ploted on chats and dispalyed on RS if it is not problem

I have ploted the good grey1's CODE (ATR) indicators and it works on TS8.3 but the Iraj divergance does not.

I appears that many ELS and ElA code do work in the new TS8.

Oh BTW I have access to Tradestation support and If anyone would like me to browse tehm a specific function, indiactor etc. I would be more then happy to try to locate ideas or codes.

PS I have found a TS 200i0i rar file but am afraid to open in for viruses so I with an account beacuase I could not bare continuing to trade the way I was the last few years.