I am new to Trading. Does Gold have better ROI than Forex?


Junior member
I'm sorry that I dont know much about trading. I want to decide if I should learn and trade Forex or maybe gold or maybe oil.

1. For experienced trader, does gold give better ROI than Forex?
2. What commodity is best for ROI ?
I'm sorry that I dont know much about trading. I want to decide if I should learn and trade Forex or maybe gold or maybe oil.

1. For experienced trader, does gold give better ROI than Forex?
2. What commodity is best for ROI ?

ROI can be fantastic or awful on any market, it depends on your edge.
I would avoid gold as it is prone to wild swings due to massive dumps of futures contracts at various strange and illiquid (means not a lot of volume) trading hours, let alone in more active trading times.
You want a market that is very liquid i.e. lots of people trading on both sides at most times. As such, EUR/USD, SandP, bund futures and eurostoxx futures are best for this.
I'm sorry that I dont know much about trading. I want to decide if I should learn and trade Forex or maybe gold or maybe oil.

1. For experienced trader, does gold give better ROI than Forex?
2. What commodity is best for ROI ?

impossible to answer this .....you need to research trading and the markets discussed much more to understand the current generality of your question ......its too vague to receive informed replies

perhaps come back with a more informed and specific question regarding trading these different markets when you are more researched ? :smart:

I'm sorry that I dont know much about trading. I want to decide if I should learn and trade Forex or maybe gold or maybe oil.

1. For experienced trader, does gold give better ROI than Forex?
2. What commodity is best for ROI ?

it doesnt work like that Y .....you cannot label instruments that way ....maybe volatility may give indications of more potential profits across instruments ....but its all about using the right strategy
It really depends on a number of things in particular your strategy/approach, time frame you're trading and number of forex pairs you're trading, etc. So impossible to say really. The only way to tell is to back-test and demo trade to get a view on relative ROI based on the strategies you're using.

I should say I have a lot of success trading gold (and other precious metals) recently though on the daily chart.
The best way for you to answer this question is to find out what kind of trader you are (this requires time learning about trading and then reflecting on how you responded to it).

If you are new, this could take some time.

Trading is mostly about understanding yourself, then about understanding the market, and then formulating a plan
gold is only good in times of crisis. it has no yield which makes it less desirable as a buy an hold outside of a crisis that affects yields in gov bonds (the preferred safe haven). so to answer your question it depends on the environment you are trading.
Gold is better cous it's glisten.😛
If answer seriously, what is your competitive advantage? Where do you have high expertise over other market participants? Answers on these two simple (but not easy) questions give you the right direction for moving.
gold is only good in times of crisis. it has no yield which makes it less desirable as a buy an hold outside of a crisis that affects yields in gov bonds (the preferred safe haven). so to answer your question it depends on the environment you are trading.

You must get everything you know from watching Bloomberg Television, where the vacuous presenters just read out whatever nonsense is put in front of them. Anyone with an ounce of intelligence, a simple calculator and basic math skills can quickly figure out that what you wrote is complete and utter horseshit.
The new traders should stick with the major currency pairs like EUR or GBP. Gold can also be considered but it most of the times moves on news so can be a volatile option for the new traders in my opinion.