Huge site of downloadable PDFs

Hey soulman, look at the item-tree on the right. There are a bunch of topics ranging from candlesticks to psychology. Each topic contains at least 3 or 4 ebooks. Most of the books include the use of indicators.

Seriously man, give it a look, some decent stuff in there. Have a great weekend!
Hey soulman, look at the item-tree on the right. There are a bunch of topics ranging from candlesticks to psychology. Each topic contains at least 3 or 4 ebooks. Most of the books include the use of indicators.

Seriously man, give it a look, some decent stuff in there. Have a great weekend!

I see it now. Thanks Ibranjord. Good luck!
Thanks all for the links, came on here looking for book recommendations - free ones are even better 🙂