huge mb usage


Active member
hello guys i wrote this thread before but i never managed to get back to it.So here is it again and if you know a lot about this stuff please help me understand and when i get back to my pc in two days i will read any answers you guys can give me.

My problem is huge mb here is something you can relate to and tell me if this is normal just now i connected my 3g device and checked out what the eurusd pair did today.Guess what it used 5 mb just to load today's chart.

What the hell i carefully look at my mb usage and i tell you know 5mb should last at least an hour.Just the other day i loaded my broker's website to simply change my password and in 5m 60mb were gone!!

My modem is giving me a lot of trouble sometimes it cannot find a network to connect but when i borrow another modem presto no problems.So here is my question to all you techies.Can a faulty modem do this?

Seeing as how i have this problem googling it can be beyond expensive.O and as i was writing it my modem just disconnected after 5 minutes in i had to reconnect.It does that frequently.If your a tecnical wiz please answer

will get back to the forum in two days.

it's not the modem.My modem is still broke i managed to borrow one for a few minutes.But still i get that huge mb usage.Not all the time only some of the time.I have no sites open or anything else and the mb will count down with the seconds.

in ten seconds whoops 7 mb is gone.I then disconnect and reconnect and then it's back to normal.What can it be?Is there no computer experts here?
o so i only have to find out what program is doing it and turn it off.This makes sense because it is only sometimes that this happens most of the time it is normal.

Its called windows update, you can turn it off 2 ways.
1) stop and disable the service
2) change the settings in computer properties in the advanced section.