How was everyone's Christmaseses??


Veteren member
Scose spent his trotting down the spiral staircase of self-destruction attempting to drink himself into oblivion in an attempt to numb the pain of watching others live out his hopes and dreams.
Then he woke up this morning, said f-it and came to work.

Hope you all enjoyed the festivities.

I had 2 Christmas dinners, two boxing day dinners, an unbelievably massive roast on Monday, nanny's dinner and another roast yesterday.

Anyone else think they're gonna put on a stone or so by 4th Jan?

Whats up for new years? Anything interesting?
Feeling particularly self-righteous because I relinquished 100% control of the TV remote to my daughter for the whole of Christmas Day. (And didn't we watch some cr*p!)
Home with family, plenty presents all round, the kids had a great time.
Loads of music, shows, pantos .Good food, beer, baileys, snowballs,
people round and visiting others.Standard stuff but still a welcome rest from working.
And I've managed to avoid the many illnesses that are doing
the rounds thats a big plus.
This'll be my first new year in the UK for a while, I normally fly off to
somewhere snowy and northern for saunas beers &dumplings.
I'l find some other type of pasttime this year. Probably boozing.
A bit of a 70's throwback,probably an old fashioned equivalent of bailey, made of eggs. I was brought up with them at christmas time. Advocaat & lemonade. Some add gin or ginger ale.


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Was nice to see snow on the ground this year.


There is so much snow here in Hamburg as well it's quite amazing.

Beautiful, bit slippery tho, almost slid into a car in front of me on some black ice half an hour ago lol !


New Years we're gonna have a blast, gonna have the attention of 3 girls haha, 2 girlfriends of my wife are coming up, we're gonna take them to a party in the East.

Woohoo party time.


My little brothers (5 & 8) stayed with me and made me build them a snowman outside only for some p1sshead to kick it down while I was asleep on the very same night lol.

I don't want snow again.