How to tx a result to a named cell - OpenOffice


I'm just trying to do more with my spreadsheets than the straightforward, intuitive stuff and have hit what I'm sure is a simple hurdle (once you know it!), so help would be much appreciated. I've tried the Help section, which has just driven me crazy.

I use OpenOffice, which is virtually identical to Excel in its language - here's what I'm trying to do:

Name a field with a label 'Average'....which I've done.
Calculate an average (in a cell other than the Average cell)....which I've done with '=h8/h9'

My question is, how do I modify that simple formula so that the result gets put into the named Average cell? I want this so I can reference the changing value of the Average field elsewhere by data name.


WR - haven't used Open Office, but what prevents you putting the average calc formula IN the 'Average' named cell? Or having the 'Average' named cell take the value of the average calc'd cell?
Hi Bramble - thanks for your help and sorry for the delay in responding, I missed your reply.

Your suggestions have enabled me to think of other possible solutions (it didn't occur to me that I could put a formula in a Named field), so thanks for that, but the problem I still have - no doubt from my own inability to construct a 'good' spreadsheet - is that the field reference(s) containing the data producing the average change each time I enter new data.

I enter new data by entering a new line and using the scroll bars to pull down the formula that calculates the average. Therefore my Average field 'taking' the desired result no longer accesses the up-to-date data, but still accesses the previous line.

I 'know' instinctively there is a very straightforward solution to this, it's just that I don't know it yet!

FYI OpenOffice instructions appear to be a clone of Excel so anything that works in Excel is likely to apply here. Unfortunately, their Help facilities don't address this requirement at all well.

Thanks again if you have any further ideas....meanwhile I'll keep on hand-cranking the figures.

