How to let my winners run and keep trading if i've closed a postion to soon


Took a postion on dax great entry but got shaken out from one min noise, i really feel i shoudn't worry about being up 10 pips like its good cause most time it seems to run a lot more like 2r -3r

I also didn't make a reentry kept going back to my stupid sell order and kept dwelling how much better that coulda have been, going fwd im not going to look at my history during trading hours, a big neg for me i would look at that and get the calcutor out looking at how much more icoulda made if i didn't close the dam thin




Again on 22th of this month on dax, i took the short 13236.1 trade on phone and cut it like a moron as i was in the shops... only to realise my mistake when i was home and did my ass going long/ revenage trading

I seem to get my entrys bang out and not getting stoped out with a 10-15 tick stops just my exit are terrible snacting profits etc, going fwd i'm going to acutally make a rule if i've close out a postion and for what ever reason it goes higher then the price i closed, i will reenter the postions

Hopefully putting this out in the universe helps me stick to some rules and keep you guys updated going fwd of my progress, prob a lot of that to do with not wanting to lose / wanting a high win rate but really meaning less with the amount of pips im leaving behide
Place your STOP where nobody can find it and then trail it. Simple, simple simple, don't sweat it, man. It really is that simple. Once you get to breakeven, wtf do you care? Just trail it. Wives in Arab countries have been trailing their husbands for thousands of years at about 5% behind. Divorces (losses) are low.
Yep thats wat i do mentally if i'm in profit say 20 pips and it would dip below 15 i would manually close the postion. I asked my broker for the trailing stop funtion and the said something like it isn't avilable for limted risk trading account, i have guarantee stops something about how i needed to have more money to get that, which really is a big disavatage caues i can't just leave the screen with a stop there knowing that it could go in big profit then hit my stop also 😢😴🙄
Get a load of Fibo at his very best when the public has LIFE within their spirit to respond. It fires me up and the best comes forth. See poster "padutrader" get sent to Mars with my post on "where to place the Stop". It created a commotion in the thread and took it to a high level of operation.

Fibo starts on page 4 with a stunner of a post that rocked the elite cats to their core. 😎🙂

Then on Pg 7. padutrader and growley monster were in hog heaven with this chickie. Growley could scarcely control hissssself. 😎🙂

All the while this was going on I got 3 warnings from Magna the cop. Then the cop got totally screwed when ET owner, Baron sent me a PM stating "best thread ever at ET" and that he was ROFLMAO. Magna. buggered off sulking

View attachment 269509

Some Rum & Coke, then kick back and enjoy

I fixed my trading guys 😎🔥🤑


My acutally trades


Plan is to narrow down some of the instrements, i'm trading usually that ASX 200 i would also be trading the ASX equildies at the same time also.

I also seem to do my ass on S&P near the close and trying to run it so didn't wanna risk it thus why thes small size but had many opp to add there oh well.

Sofar i'm happy i've let sht run and not just closed trades willy nelly, just have to do the same with bigger size, also plan to average in on trades and add as long as the thesis is vaild

scaling in as u can see woulda made me good money also got the top and bottom of dax but unfortally, i miss managed the my long trade by leaving a lot of pips on the table and puking the short trade by 2pips trading my pnl

Also the long i cut myself short by a good margin, i feel i would be much more profitable putting a trade on doing something else and just banking

Will try this method going fwd
Excellent! Now that you have progressed from King Pin to King Bee, you've earned the right to romance your girlfriends with ......................
