How to get into trading (firm)



I am a new member here and I have an interest in trading. I am currently doing my bachelors degree in finance. I wonder if there someone in this forum who is familiar with application process for trading firms and requirements to become one could message me, I got a few questions.

By the way, I study in Netherlands so if you are from here it would be even better 🙂

Thanks in advance

I am a new member here and I have an interest in trading. I am currently doing my bachelors degree in finance. I wonder if there someone in this forum who is familiar with application process for trading firms and requirements to become one could message me, I got a few questions.

By the way, I study in Netherlands so if you are from here it would be even better 🙂

Thanks in advance

Wat wil je weten?

The good news is that there's a bit of a brain drain in NL at the moment because of the threatened 20% bonus cap, so institutions which are required to have a physical presence in the market are finding problems getting the quality of candidate they require. Best advice would be, get the best possible degree you can (ie work your **** off), apply for internships everywhere and make sure you've got enough on your cv to make you appear a rounded individual (sports, arts, travel, etc). There's nothing particularly novel in that, but it's old advice that usually work best. For internships, don't be too specific on trading, just make sure it's front office of some description.

Veel geluk!
Wat wil je weten?

The good news is that there's a bit of a brain drain in NL at the moment because of the threatened 20% bonus cap, so institutions which are required to have a physical presence in the market are finding problems getting the quality of candidate they require. Best advice would be, get the best possible degree you can (ie work your **** off), apply for internships everywhere and make sure you've got enough on your cv to make you appear a rounded individual (sports, arts, travel, etc). There's nothing particularly novel in that, but it's old advice that usually work best. For internships, don't be too specific on trading, just make sure it's front office of some description.

Veel geluk!

sent you a pm!
any more traders or dutchies with knowledge how things work here are more than welcome to PM 🙂
thaaanks alot