How to find equities


Been dabbling for about a year and have made money whilst the stock market has done well i have a million and one websites on my browser with all of thier recommendations but its all getting confusing and since i work full time don,t have time to check all of them out.
I need help i would like to get more involved and wondered how people choose a stock and where do they look for that info.
lets face it were all in this to make a little bit of money but there is so much ramping and de ramping goin on i don,t know where to turn.
Can anyone offer any advice
look at more suggestions that experts gave, search a good website to see the informations.
I always struggled with this. I couldn't understand how with millions of companies - how I could pick just a few to invest in. Similar to yourself I work (P/T) and I am a student (F/T) so I never had lots of time to be looking around.

What someone advised me to do was two things:-

1) Concentrate on Bluechip companies
2) Look at different sectors.

I took the second piece of advice.

I concentrated on a few different sectors (finance, oil, food & technology) To be honest, they were pretty random choices. I simply picked what I liked. I love technology, I like food and I work in a bank so I picked finance. From then on I just read the news surrounding these sectors and then selected different companies and did my research.

Now I'm not saying this is what everyone does - or what you should do - but maybe give it a try to help you narrow stocks down? I personally found it easier to look at companies when I was interested in the sector. Again, that isn't for everyone - but it made the reading more enjoyable for myself.
I haven't quite got to the stage of picking a stock yet since right now I am saving enough to open an account and doing the research part now. Doing my research I have found that general hard work in and building a structured approach to investment leads you to to various potential stocks. The first thing I plan to do is simply narrow down the vast amount of choices to a researchable number. Example:
Take the best 5 investors on paper and pick 5 stocks from each. Already you have narrowed your choice down to 25. Now you can do personal research into each with the confidence that a 'respected' investor has already invested into these companies.
But note: The key is to do your reseach, get a feel for everything, write an investment plan, a check list, of sucess factors/criteria, logs, appraisals, records. Read the informative sites ask the simple questions leave nothing to chance.
I have heard that it might be a good idea to get ideas for stocks from the products you see at stores and businesses. Then you can look up information about those companies. For example, lets say you see a new plumbing fixture. You could look up the company and see who produces it. You could then check out their P and E ratio, their debt, their earnings per share, etc.