How to claim your excess bank/credit card charges back


Experienced member
You all probably saw on the news about the guy who took Lloyds to court and won his charges back from them? You may have also noted that the Office of Fair Trading has ruled that current bank charges are excessive and illegal.

well, if you wondered how to go about claiming your fee's and charges back, check this site out:

it contains detailed steps and sample letters for how to request a list of all fee's and charges under the data protection act, and then how to notify them that you want your cash back - right through to sample court claim wording and statutes to quote in the claim.

You can claim back upto six years worth of charges, before they are statute barred, and one of the guys on there has been refunded over £5k in bank and CC fee's!

I'm currently going through my own finances with a view to making my own claim 😀
These people are getting serious money back.One guy is up to 8500 and still calculating.
I hate banks. 😈
"Free" banking

The banks are, according to certain sections of the media, seething over the OFT "threat" last week to curb excessive penalties for late payment of credit card bills, and have responded with threats to end "free banking" for customers who remain in credit and pay on time.

If the compensation claims change from a trickle into a flood, it will be interesting to see if the banks do end "free banking", or whether there is simply too much competition in the deregulated financial industry to allow them to do so