how to check foreign fund flow??


dear members
i am located in malaysia.. lately foreign fund was flowing into emerging market plus malaysia.. so how should i go arround to check in which malaysian equities sectors and counters this fund is flowing into? I am just a small time retail investor on malaysian equities market... are there any sites where i can accurate information on this above subject.. in malaysia this type of information is only for big time fund managers or intituitional investors but cannot be access by normal retail investors the the time the news reach retail investors it s already considered a delayed news... thanks
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dear members
i am located in malaysia.. lately foreign fund was flowing into emerging market plus malaysia.. so how should i go arround to check in which malaysian equities sectors and counters this fund is flowing into? I am just a small time retail investor on malaysian equities market... are there any sites where i can accurate information on this above subject.. in malaysia this type of information is only for big time fund managers or intituitional investors but cannot be access by normal retail investors the the time the news reach retail investors it s already considered a delayed news... thanks

Simple, but only for the astute little fellow. Subscribe to an EOD stock service for Malaysia - therein will be an indicator called foreigner buy foreigner sell foreigner netbuy - you want to plot that in the software of your choice (mine is Metastock Pro) this will be updated daily and you do your analysis using this.

Excellent indicator for South East Asia.

I have the setup for Thighland, my preferred playground and my data comes from Philip Securities in Bangcock. I pay only 4k Thai Baht per year (140 USD) - cheap cheap but very accurate and reliable.

You are on the right road, follow the footprint of the foreign invaders who are generally rogue traders out for a quick buck with a 2-fold plan, namely to win big on stock price rise and on currency conversion when they repatriate their funds home - which they always do.

Rogue traders are from Taiwan, Singapore, King Kong, Korea etc., with now more participation from EU and US.

Thighland profits are 100% taxfree.

God, do I love it so. 🙂🙂