How to best buy Nintendo ADRs in OTC US markets


Hi there,

I am new to the forum. I have been looking into investing in shares of the company Nintendo. My understanding is that there are a couple of main share options available for this company. The first being '7974 (TYO)' which is traded on the Tokyo stock exchange. The other is 'NTDOY' or 'NTDOF' which are ADRs traded on the OTC markets in the US.

I am based in the UK and would like to ideally find an online trading platform which offers low cost trading fees for the ADR Nintendo shares (NTDOY or NTDOF). Issues that I am encountering include a limited range of providers that offer access to trading in stocks. The ones that do, are charging relatively high deal fees, inactivity charges on the account, or ongoing premiums.

I would like to purchase a relatively small amount of shares, say £2000 worth and sit on these for the time being, without incurring ongoing costs in the process.

Also, I am making the assumption that it would be better to buy the ADR version of the shares at the lower cost for liquidity reasons, as I am assuming that the higher cost ordinary shares are not being traded in such volumes?

Is this a viable option or should I join Mario in his mushroom kingdom?

Best regards,
