How 'risky' is a share?


Active member
Just a couple of (almost) thought provoking questions to ponder over when your waiting for a reply or good thread to pop up.
How risky is a share?

Could it be more risky in this world to NOT to speculate?

Can people afford to 'risk' money?

Or can people really afford NOT to risk a percentage of there income?

What would the outcome be if we didn't take a chance?

Could a share be only as risky as the behaviour of the market participants that trade a certain stock?

People say a certain stock or sectors are risky to trade. But could it be that the trader's and/or investors who are attracted to that type of stock are the one's that make it risky?

After all there the ones putting in and pulling out the money.

Is a certain type of stock and it's price movement just a mirror image of the investor or trader it attracts?

Thanks for your time