How much can you make trading with £10k

billiondollars said:
A person without a dream is even more miserable.. LOL.

High achievers are dream-implementers, not pessimists.

Trading is not just about money. It brings freedom- not being controlled by someone else. Why make things more complicated? 2-10% a day return is more than enough for a person and family. As said before, it makes a person seriously rich. I mean it.

The main thing is to think like a free person- not like an employee. Traders, unlike brokers and people working for SB firms or banks, are independent.

Hi mate,
I am currently working on a 3% a day system and it can work somedays are good and some days are bad..but it can work if you have the discipline check out my journal rav700 journal

Happy trading:

" I have noticed that the guy who orignally posted this has not been back to view or comment on the advice " 😛
If only making a fortune was as simple as dreaming and staying positive.

No wonder those shysters like Antony Robbins and Dupak S. make so much money with so many 'suckers', sorry 'believers' around.

Better to be realistic and cynical in the markets in my opinion
anley said:
If only making a fortune was as simple as dreaming and staying positive.

No wonder those shysters like Antony Robbins and Dupak S. make so much money with so many 'suckers', sorry 'believers' around.

Better to be realistic and cynical in the markets in my opinion

Clearly 'dreaming and staying positive' by itself doesn't make you money. I don't think any body is saying that it does. However, you are doing yourself a massive disservice by closing your mind to the possiblites because you are set in your ways. Why don't we do some arithmetic rather than just express our opinions? Get an excel simulator and do the following.

Put 2% for average loss as well as average win. Put 55% for number of winning trades and 45% for losing trades. Once you have that in place, just do the simulation. Vary the numbers and do as many simulations as you like and see what happens, making sure you have a small edge.

You will find that one can make a huge amount of money trading. Then ask yourself why almost no one does. The numbers are there, staring you in the eye, but you hardly see anybody achieve that. Why? The main reason is NEGATIVE THINKING. We are not saying you should believe you can achieve something that cannot be achieved. The numbers show you it can be. But some poor guy asks a question about how much he can make and we all shout him down.

Our views are certainly not based on the maths. So, what are they based on? NEGATIVE THINKING. The reason why most of us cannot make money trading is because we find it hard to accept you can print money the way the numbers suggest you can.
Its all well and good in theory.

There is a fine line btween optimism and living in a dream world though. I can draw up an excel sheet of my last 100 days and what, had I achieved my ideal trades, profit I would now be at. There are a lot of zero's. It just isn't that simple. I don't though... I have followed my plan to a 'T' yet still I am way behind my forecasted excel sheet. Why? Slippage, discipline, sods law, commisions etc...

If it was that simple we'd all be rich and discussing this over crystal champagne on my yaucht in Fiji.
For all those who spend hours putting different small edges into spreadsheets and seeing how much it is "possible to make" when you compound these up on a daily basis without any down days - try putting in the membership of t2w (approx 50,000 i believe), giving them all a very modest starting capital of $1000 and compound that up with your so called tiny edge and see how long it takes for us to own all the shares on the NYSE between us. Wow we'll all be rich. But where will that money come from? What mechanism will allow us to own the world without bankrupting every investment bank and pension fund who is trading/investing against us?

Probably most traders allow themselves the occasional flight of fantasy particularly in the early months "I could have bought GOOG there and sold it there and bought it back there......." but when a beginner asks how much they can make with £10k it is best to be realistic on what a beginner can achieve.

I am not saying that there are not individuals here on the boards or elsewhere who make 2%-10% per day, because of course there are. Break even in your first year and you are doing ok. Work really hard at it and one day you just might join the 2%-10% per day crowd.

Stay positive and realistic at the same time.

Best of Luck

rav700 said:
" I have noticed that the guy who orignally posted this has not been back to view or comment on the advice " 😛
That's prolly cause the original post is an advert for a betting site, his job is done, the repeated replies keep it current. Clever boy
roguetrader said:
That's prolly cause the original post is an advert for a betting site, his job is done, the repeated replies keep it current. Clever boy

Hate to be cynical but that was the reason for my post( #6), find it hard to believe that he made 10k on casino bonuses when the house edge is so big on online casino's
1. how much do you professional traders make if you had 10 grand to start with?
Most professionals probably started by losing it all.

2. what is the best market to trade and why?
The one or ones where you have a definable edge.

3. are there any robot software out there that can trade for me? if yes can you provide some info
Depends what you mean. You can programme a computer to trade for you.

4. i have a spreadbetting account , but not sure if this is the best way to trade?
Did you do a low risk trade and place the money from the "free" bet in your bank account? Not a bad strategy as it seemed to work for you with casinos.

5. what is the best system so far posted on trade2win or any other forum?
The one where you learn to trade the markets and create an edge all by yourself. This system isn't used by many as it's not an attractive proposition to most.

If these are not the answers you wanted to hear then I'm sorry to disapoint.

Good luck Tuffty.