How Liquid Are YM & NQ?


Senior member
How good is liquidity on YM & NQ? Would you expect to have no problems for example trading 15 or 20 YM or 8 or 10 NQ?

Right now, hardly the busiest time of day for US futures, there are 20 NQ on either side and about 10 YM as I look at my screen. By the afternoon those numbers will increase significantly. You'll have no problem trading in the sizes you are talking about.
...and rather than trade the minis, you might as well trade the big contracts unless you specifically want to scale in and out in smaller size. ZD (the 'big' Dow = 2x mini) also has 10 on each side.
ES, Eurostoxx and Bund will probably have 5 to 10 times the volume. Unless you need to trade the YM why bother, with the above 3 contracts the volume is usually over a million a day.
Thanks for the replies chaps.

Pboyles, I just really like YM, it seems so easy to trade.
I'll just put this here for now, we'll come back and see about that in a few months ^^

LOL Maybe that could have been expressed a little better 🙂. I've been doing it for quite a while actually.

What I mean is that the action is relatively smooth and it trends nicely (at least to me it does; I have expressed this opinion to people who have said exactly the opposite when trading the same day).

Obviously I would like to trade mini S&P but it really does not suit my style as well as mini Dow or Nasdaq (or mini Russell even), so I might only take one or two S&P trades per month when something truly irresistible comes along.
YM & NQ will take that clip size most times of RTH easy. If it doesn't get a platform with iceberg order types - the algo's will ensure you get filled.

Very few (ie zero) retail or pro discretionary traders will ever have liquidity issues when day trading.