How does my prop firm compare?


Hi guys,

Have been browsing the site for a while, but, as you can see, this is my first post.

Excuse the lack of detail in the post, I want to be fairly vague with regard to the firm I work for.

I've been with a (relatively) internationally established company that has been around for 7 years or so. I've been with them for a short amount of time now, the first and only firm I have worked for. I am one of their top performers in the country. What I want to know is how my company stacks up to other prop trading firms with regard to the way the traders are treated. For example, do the majority of firms provide medical care, dentistry care, discounted gym memberships, or any other general perks?

My company provides none of this. There is very little 'care' shown toward their succuessful traders and even less shown toward newer, less/non profitable traders. Is this common practice in prop firms? As I've not been in the game long, I've no idea when it comes to stuff like this. The reason I ask is because I wonder what I'm missing out on with other firms - is there more to it or should I expect similar treatment in 90% of prop houses?


you are not an employee you're self employed so there is no basis to expect any of those perks from any prop firm.
Since you're one of the top performers in the country I assume you earn a lot anyway so, why would you be bothered about perks come with the job?
It's not necessarily the lack of perks that bothers me, it's more the way they treat, or rather dont treat, their traders. Not only that but it's as though they aren't bothered about less successful traders giving up - almost as though they're happy to see them leave as opposed to trying to help them improve and trying to convince them to stay and work at it. This isn't a nice environment to work in.
Having been in the business as long as they have they know how many people actually make it. They're probably happy to let you stay if you're willing to make an effort and happy to let you go if not.
It's not necessarily the lack of perks that bothers me, it's more the way they treat, or rather dont treat, their traders. Not only that but it's as though they aren't bothered about less successful traders giving up - almost as though they're happy to see them leave as opposed to trying to help them improve and trying to convince them to stay and work at it. This isn't a nice environment to work in.

The only 'prop' firm with a base in the UK that includes benefits, isn't low to mid cap and or outright crap is probably FNY. Good luck getting in there if you don't have excellent credentials, but I see they do want a snr trader for their Infinity Team.
Its basically the same across board. Use your trading bonus to fund these luxuries.