How do i go about finding a good binary trader to manage my account


How do i find a good binary trader to manage my account or invest with . With so many scams in place i dont know where to start . All the ones i find i automatically think they are a scam
allot of people offering 75-100% return each month .
how can you spot a good person and a scammer
How do i find a good binary trader to manage my account or invest with . With so many scams in place i dont know where to start . All the ones i find i automatically think they are a scam
allot of people offering 75-100% return each month .
how can you spot a good person and a scammer

What's the attraction of B, Options?
What's the attraction of B, Options?

The only "Attraction " I can think of are
- Easy to navigate interface
- Short duration

But it comes with following issues!
- Thinly regulated- to outright scams
- Market Maker means possible conflict of interest

You can either go for CFTC regulated "exchanges" like Cantor or Nadex
Or Build your own from Vanilla options on major exchanges
ok so you guys would stay away , most people offering to trade it want you to pay them every day or other day or weekly .
i guess the thought of high returns
make sure to sign poa agreement if u do this..dont get scamed

Yes there has to be a LPOA + there has to be a written agreement
Managing the a/c, Depends upon what we use
1) Global stop loss ( set by a/c owner and can't be charged by trader, in that case there would be direct access to a/c by trader
2) Hedging the position with option , Trader advice what trade to put on, A/c holder puts it on

These are to be detailed and discussed,
As I said I am not marketing it commercially , just working on few private arrangements
If you're that locked on going with a Binary Options firm, it's better if you did your research, pleantly of Binary reviews sites out there with detailed reviews, you'll be able to sniff out danger from a mile away.