How do i do a simple thing


Junior member
I want to test a strategy in a whole portfolio. (there a 1000 stocks) in this portfolio, how can i test the strategy on the whole portfolio, so that it would bee some kind of portfolio simulation ?

130 AUD$ with full backtesting feature

metastock language is able to handle user defined function within a code.
i.e. u can use the result of your function for further calculations.
That s what spacejock isnt made for.

some examples :

English: Closing price rises above long-term moving average (MA3)
FreeCharts: Close > MA3

English: Closing price three days ago was higher than the close two days ago, and yesterday's close was lower than today's, and today's is higher than it was three days ago. (In other words, the price went down and then up)
FreeCharts: Close[3] > Close[2] and Previous Close < Close and Close > Close[3]

English: Close has risen three days in a row, and volume has risen two days in a row and is now double or more than what it was 5 days ago.
FreeCharts: M_PriceRises >=3 and M_VolumeRises >=2 and Volume >= Volume[5] * 2

English: Price fell for 3 days, then rose by 2% or more.
FreeCharts: Previous M_PriceFalls >=3 and Close > Previous Close * 1.02

English: MACD line crosses or is above the MACD signal line, volume has increased for two days in a row and RSI is under 30 and rising.
Freecharts: MACDLine > MACDSignal and M_VolumeRises >= 2 and RSI < 30 and RSI > Previous RSI

English: Closing price falls below the medium-term moving average.
FreeCharts: Close < MA2

English: Close is the lowest for the previous 21 days.
FreeCharts: Close = lowest_close[21]

English: Close is higher than the highest open for the past 21 days, and it happened on the last day in the database.
FreeCharts: Close >= highest_open[21] and LastDayOnly = true

English: Close is the lowest for the past 9 days, and it happened AFTER the 21st of March, 2001.
FreeCharts: Close = lowest_close[9] and date > 21/3/2001 Important Note: You should use the appropriate date format for your Windows date settings. E.g. Use 3/21/2001 if your computer is using US dates.

English: Close is lower than open and volume increases 45%.
FreeCharts: Close < Open and Volume > Previous Volume * 1.4

English: Previous high is in or below the lower 5% of today's range. In other words, less than today's low plus 5% of today's range. It's like a gap with a very tiny overlap.

Freecharts: previous high <= (low + ((high - low) * .05))