How Did Trade2Win Get Started and Grow


Junior member
Hey all,
I am new to the site and think it is one of the largest trading forums out there. I love reading the content and the members here are extremely dedicated to trading. With that said, I am really curious 1) how trade2win started and 2) what made it grow to be as large as it is today? My apologies if this information is elsewhere, and if so please link me so I can read more about it.

Thanks and looking forward to being a valuable part of the community!
The closest thing we have to a history of the site, is on our Facebook fan page here:!/album.php?aid=281648&id=56783980108

It documents how T2W has changed over the years, by taking a snapshot of the different designs for the homepage. Since the homepage has always been a summary of what's going on in the site, it's quite revealing to see how the members numbers changed, the types of discussions going on at the time and some of the features that have come and gone. For example who still remembers the UK share trading competition, the market data snapshots and the T2W real time chat room? That's going back a few years now.