how artificial are bullbearings simulations?


Dear All
Thank you for your terrific advice over the last week!

I have taken it on board and know I have a lot of reading, observing and absorbing to do and I am enjoying it already!

I have started using bullbearings simulations and now am using all four to learn about the mechanics and how it responds - recording what the state of the shares are, what trade I make and how my portfolio changes accordingly. I am even playing as though it is my own money (and not exploiting the £100000 available!)

This may seem mind-numbingly simplistic but after a terrible start, with a bit more reading, and some lightbulbs over my head - my portfolio has now started to improve.

I don't feel anywhere near jumping into the deep water of "REAL MONEY" but I wondered - how different IS the real world - are there some nasty surprises in store for me?

Thank you!
things to bear in mind with a simulator are whether your fills are realistic or not.

Are you entering and exiting with market or limit orders?

if market orders, you will likely have to pay up the spread or experience some slippage.

If limit orders, you may not experience a realistic time to fill, or get a fill at all, even though you did get a fill in the simulator.

Thank you - that's really helpful
(I will carry on in my safe simulated world then!) 😉