The SNP index is made up of all the stocks in the S&P 500 but how does the futures price and the stock index affect each other.
If someone buys 1,000 contracts in the futures, doesn;t that affect something in the stocks?
If someone buys 1million shares in GS, what goes towards making the change in the futures?
It's all very well to say it's an auction and any inefficiency in the index or the futures will be evened out but it's done almost instantly by the computers but why have this happening at all?
Same goes for bond futures vs actual bonds.
Gold, oil, and commodity futures is a little different due to fixing prices for delivery in advance...
If someone buys 1,000 contracts in the futures, doesn;t that affect something in the stocks?
If someone buys 1million shares in GS, what goes towards making the change in the futures?
It's all very well to say it's an auction and any inefficiency in the index or the futures will be evened out but it's done almost instantly by the computers but why have this happening at all?
Same goes for bond futures vs actual bonds.
Gold, oil, and commodity futures is a little different due to fixing prices for delivery in advance...