hourly emails with account balance?

Hi folks -

I'm wrestling with fitting trading into a normal office workday. I know there are ways of getting email alerts when a specific stock/option/currency hits a specific price level. However I am more interested in seeing my total account balance. With a some long and some short positiong in my account, if the total account reaches a particular positive balance, I would like to consider selling both long and short, netting the profit.

Does anyone know of a site, prefably free, where I can setup a demo portfolio and receive hourly emails with the account balance?
Firstly, I haven't heard anything like that available, though admittedly I haven't investigated or researched every trading platform available. Why can't you just look at your balances online periodically through the day?

Secondly, do you seriously want to base your trading decisions on fluctuations in your account balance? That strikes me as being incredibly inefficient. Have you done any testing of this strategy at all? In general terms, it would make more sense that wach position be exited on its own merits. To do otherwise would seem to suggest that some positions are cut off before they have a chance to make the move your looking for.

As an aside, if you are thinking to make decisions based on moves in your overall account balance it might mean that you're trading too big - meaning too much size or too many positions. Without additional details, though, I can't be sure.
Firstly, I haven't heard anything like that available, though admittedly I haven't investigated or researched every trading platform available. Why can't you just look at your balances online periodically through the day?

Secondly, do you seriously want to base your trading decisions on fluctuations in your account balance? That strikes me as being incredibly inefficient. Have you done any testing of this strategy at all? In general terms, it would make more sense that wach position be exited on its own merits. To do otherwise would seem to suggest that some positions are cut off before they have a chance to make the move your looking for.

As an aside, if you are thinking to make decisions based on moves in your overall account balance it might mean that you're trading too big - meaning too much size or too many positions. Without additional details, though, I can't be sure.

Agree. Look after the individual positions and the balance will look after itself!