Horse racing has cost me a fortune!


Hi everyone

Well I've tried horse racing systems/tipsters and unfortunately it has cost me a fortune. Thinking back it was ridiculous the amounts I used with some tipsters and on various systems which all failed. Anyhow, it has learnt me a lesson and any flyers now I get all go into the bin!

I know I shouldn't try to recoup my losses but I was thinking is there any kind of system or lay betting that I could use to say make me a few quid per day! I'm not willing to risk big money again and have thought there must be something out there and would make me a few quid!! Is there??
MeNewTrader said:
Hi everyone

Well I've tried horse racing systems/tipsters and unfortunately it has cost me a fortune. Thinking back it was ridiculous the amounts I used with some tipsters and on various systems which all failed. Anyhow, it has learnt me a lesson and any flyers now I get all go into the bin!

I know I shouldn't try to recoup my losses but I was thinking is there any kind of system or lay betting that I could use to say make me a few quid per day! I'm not willing to risk big money again and have thought there must be something out there and would make me a few quid!! Is there??

You were betting on the little bugger on the back of the horse.
If you had been betting on the horse, the outcome may have been different.
For a start you would have lost all your money more slowly.
Sorry, I cannot help you I am a Trader not a gambler, I do'nt place bets.
commanderco said:
You were betting on the little bugger on the back of the horse.
If you had been betting on the horse, the outcome may have been different.
For a start you would have lost all your money more slowly.
Sorry, I cannot help you I am a Trader not a gambler, I do'nt place bets.
Well said commanderco - them buggers have cost me alot!
I am a Trader not a gambler

lol 😀

To take risk IS to gamble. To trade IS to take risk! (unless of course you take it out the middle 😉 )

Accepting this is first step stuff to becoming a 'trader' . IMHO of course 😉


edit: menewtrader check your pm
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Been there, done that, both with football and horses. The short answer is 'no', I think. I have a colleague who was down nearly 30k (gbp) before he realised that it was a mugs game. He tried all sorts of systems. I tried a couple of systems before the basic facts sank in. The systems looked fine on paper etc etc... If there was a system that actually worked, I think it's fair to say everyone would be doing it!

darktone said:
lol 😀

To take risk IS to gamble. To trade IS to take risk! (unless of course you take it out the middle 😉 )

Accepting this is first step stuff to becoming a 'trader' . IMHO of course 😉


edit: menewtrader check your pm

You are dead wrong DT

Gambling contains no management of the active period, the bets close BEFORE the race/ dice/ game begins and that is giving you full credit for your ability to select the bet ( entry)
You have NO control over the active period.

Trading accepts the entry as no more important than being the begining of the active period.
The management of this period including reversals if necessary and the subsequent exit are the hallmarks of a prof Trader.
Never confuse gambling with prof Trading simply because they contain an element of risk to a greater or lessor extent.
You might as well compare a horse drawn cart to a RR because they both have 4 wheels.
Pro Trading demands clarity of thought at all times.
Gambling contains no management of the active period, the bets close BEFORE the race/ dice/ game begins and that is giving you full credit for your ability to select the bet ( entry)
You have NO control over the active period.

Er, did someone say poker? 😆
Indeed... Although, having said that, sport betting arbitage works. I have ventured into that a liitle bit and made some money! It's not that easy though. Finding the arbitrage opportunities is quite a challenge. The services that offer to find arbitrage opportunities for you are not that good and you have to open dozens of accounts with bookies and place quite a large amount of money for what can be a very small return. It is however, guaranteed that you will come out ahead every time you manage to get the bets on.

Er.did somone say betfair!? 😆

No disrespect C but if you cannot 100% guarantee an outcome. you are gambling! end of!

Pro Trading demands clarity of thought at all times

now i would have said :-

Profitable trading demands clarity of thought WHEN at the screen.

i may have added :-

and the strength of self to leave alone what should be left alone.

Just words......ive already typed to much! 🙂
Somebody just pointed this thread out to me.

I've made more money from modern 'gambling' markets than I ever did trying to trade or arbitrage. Modern gambling markets have totally turned conventional views upside down and I suggest you look at them again.

I know nothing about horses but make money each and every day from horse racing. Its been a revelation to me. I have been using exchanges since conception but only in the last couple of years has the volume and liquidity really taken off. There is well over £1bn in matched bets each month now.

"Gambling contains no management of the active period, the bets close BEFORE the race/ dice/ game begins and that is giving you full credit for your ability to select the bet ( entry)
You have NO control over the active period."

Is wrong, you can trade events well before and during the event now.

BTW, Arbitrage is not a one way street either and is not worth pursuing if you want to make serious money.
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Scobie Breasley would think this thread is a load of dog shi*te.

And dear old Scobie would be spot on.
And surprising isn't it that even people supposedly actively engaged in trading view certain elements of trading as gambling. This tells me that if you view trading as gambling then you have not cracked it.
It would be more correct to say that occasionally the outcome you expect is not the one you experience.
Experiencing an unexpected or unpredictable outcome is not the same as consciously gambling.
Consciously gambling occurs when the participant does not have one iota of what he is doing or ought to be done, then it can be said to be a form of gambling, but not otherwise. The trader who knows his business and goes on to develop an edge, goes on to exploit that edge. In pure gambling, which is being prisoner to the vagaries of chance there cannot be any edge. Individuals, consequently, who have an edge, would never consider what they do as subject to the vagaries of chance, and hence are not engaged in gambling. Part of the edge is to assess beforehand what is the most likely probable outcome given a set of parameters and to prepare in the event of a neutral or unfavourable outcome in advance, which again is not gambling, but prudent and proactive strategy instead.
Yes Soc, we all know that.

Trading is a rather straightforward past-time.

Why make such a song and dance out of a rather mundane and boring activity ?
Of course it is straightforward, but it is only straightforward when two things are mastered. And it can get mundane and boring, and when it does you find yourself doing the trades the other way round, just to add some spice to it. But please, Salty, you must admit that the volume of nonsense posted here is incredible, and moreso from people who purport to have been trading for some time now, so that one wonders if what they post is a leg pull, but I am inclined to take the view they really mean it.
Of course they mean it Soc.

They are dumb, as amply evidenced by the nonsensical postings on T2W.

Not like me and you pal, huh ??

Part of the edge is to assess beforehand what is the most likely probable outcome given a set of parameters and to prepare in the event of a neutral or unfavourable outcome in advance, which again is not gambling, but prudent and proactive strategy instead


(id settle for experienced GAMBLING!) 😆
darktone said:
Er.did somone say betfair!? 😆

No disrespect C but if you cannot 100% guarantee an outcome. you are gambling! end of!

Hola DT.
Our biggest risk taken was at birth ... sadly this one action guarantees our demise, in fact it may well be the only true guarantee in our lives.

After this realisation, everything becomes more clear, in my humble opinion.

Poker was mentioned and yes I agree that any game involving card reading allows you to manage the active period of the game.
However, if you become known as a card reader and a winner in Blackjack etc, the Casino
will throw you out, so you are either destined to wander the globe looking for new Casino´s or acknowledge that you have a short shelf life.
MeNewTrader said:
Hi everyone

Well I've tried horse racing systems/tipsters and unfortunately it has cost me a fortune. Thinking back it was ridiculous the amounts I used with some tipsters and on various systems which all failed. Anyhow, it has learnt me a lesson and any flyers now I get all go into the bin!

I know I shouldn't try to recoup my losses but I was thinking is there any kind of system or lay betting that I could use to say make me a few quid per day! I'm not willing to risk big money again and have thought there must be something out there and would make me a few quid!! Is there??


I have followed a very similar route to yourself and as I now seem to be on everyones gambling "list" I get all sorts of offers. As I have also lost a bloody fortune I do not take any of them up.
I do however run my own system and make on average of £2500 per month, although I did have an incredible month at the end of last year when I made over £15K !

I have never tried to sell it to date but have a new problem in that I am finding it more difficult to place bets as the bookies seem to have some kind of syndicate when it comes to closing down accounts. If you are interested in looking at an arrangement then please get in touch by email on [email protected].

