Horizon - The Age of Big Data


Legendary member
Worth catching on BBC iPlayer if you missed it last night: Horizon - The Age of Big Data

"In Los Angeles, a remarkable experiment is underway; the police are trying to predict crime, before it even happens.

At the heart of the city of London, one trader believes that he has found the secret of making billions with math. In South Africa, astronomers are attempting to catalogue the entire cosmos. These very different worlds are united by one thing - an extraordinary explosion in data.

Horizon meets the people at the forefront of the data revolution, and reveals the possibilities and the promise of the age of big data."
Here's the message I get:

"Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you."

Sucks to be me I guess :(

Here's the message I get:

"Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you."

Sucks to be me I guess :(

Hi Peter,
Yeah, the BBC are bu88ers like that.

This might give you access to the BBC from the States - but I don't think they offer iPlayer - so I doubt you'll be able to see the program I linked to: filmOn.TV This is a better link: http://www.filmon.com/#BBC-One

You can download a lot of TV programmes.

For example, google for "Expres Files" and you will be able to download a super little bit of software that allows you to search for anything on the internet and then download with the click of a button. What is nice about this software is that it does not even tell you where its getting it from!! Suits me.

So for example, if you searched for BBC Horizon... not that I would dare suggest you should.

Hope this helps.