Historical minute-by-minute data of DJIA online, text format?


There are many places online to look at historical graphs of the DJIA, but I haven't found any that offer the data (1) in text format (pictures and tables won't do) and (2) historical minute by minute.

Optimally I would like to see data going back to at least 1997, but back to 2005 or so might be good enough. Any ideas on where I could find this for free?

It just has to be available in text format somehow. It could even be split up on multiple webpages with other content on it; it doesn't need to be in a standalone text file or anything, because it wouldn't be too hard to extract the raw data from the pages automatically.

A similar thread a few months ago suggested MetaTrader, but I can only get it to show graphs, not text.

Thanks in advance.
There are many places online to look at historical graphs of the DJIA, but I haven't found any that offer the data (1) in text format (pictures and tables won't do) and (2) historical minute by minute.

Optimally I would like to see data going back to at least 1997, but back to 2005 or so might be good enough. Any ideas on where I could find this for free?

It just has to be available in text format somehow. It could even be split up on multiple webpages with other content on it; it doesn't need to be in a standalone text file or anything, because it wouldn't be too hard to extract the raw data from the pages automatically.

A similar thread a few months ago suggested MetaTrader, but I can only get it to show graphs, not text.

Thanks in advance.


Did you ever manage to find some historical Dow data?