Historical intraday FTSE 100 UKX data



I am looking for historical ftse100 index (UKX) data, intraday either one a 1 minute (preferably), 2 or 5 minute CSV format, covering open, high, low, close, going back at least a few years. I am aware you can get EOD daily data from yahoo, but its really 1 minute data I need.

I would like to perform some statistical analysis on gaps - There is plenty of data around for the DOW and S&P but nothing for the FTSE opening gap. I have been paper trading a strategy which looks OK but really need to see how it performs over a longer period.

Basically I plan to import it into a database and run some gap trading strategies on it. Obviously, if the data is very 'spikey' it may not work.

Of course, I would be glad to share any results I find, though it may take some time as I would need to write the software (Though I am a programmer, so not that long!)

Can anyone help?

You can get a few days at a time from dukascopy, but I have not found anywhere else.

I realise that this is an old post but did you ever find a way/site to provide the data?
Hi Angrybob

I am also searching for FTSE Gap stats and for the Dax.

any luck?
I guess not. I have had a look at FTSE overnight gaps but not figured out any kind of pattern yet, i'm finding more consistent results using the opening range breakout 8-9am but would be very interested to hear from anyone that has a theory / strategy for fading the gap.

I am doing something similar and am in the process of looking for historical data for the continuous futures contracts for ftse, cac, dax, nikkei, asx and hang seng. After checking through quite a lot of the threads in this section, i have sent some requests to pitrading and disktrading.

if any of you guys are still working/trading this strategy - would be great to discuss.