If you need the data for a specific purpose like a final paper or something than sure go ahead and buy the stuff. If you want to use it for trading then there is no need to do so. Reason? Because like I mentioned it's all history. And sure patterns that occurred in the past do occur these days as well. But we don't know that upfront. I assume you read the attachment, I trust that's of help. If you don't understand it then send me an email (the address is in there).
And about "new trader" his conclusion. Nope, that is not what I said. Because my EXPERIENCE helped me for example to cut my losses in time and let my profits run. My EXPERIENCE also taught me to stay calm during a trade. That's good for heart and arteries. Because I learned from EXPERIENCE that I can absolutely NOT predict what the market's next move will be.
"New trader" his reaction is very common. Like I mentioned people need something to hold on to. They need to be able to define it otherwise it confuses them. So he tries to label me. This vdo is quite interesting and funny concerning the subject:
Welcome to the dark and shady world of day trading