historical backtesting strategy tool


i'm searching desperately over the internet for application wich shows historical hourly chart (history of 1 year at least) to backtest stratgy with some simple indicators.

anyone can suggest some (even free) tools for this purpose?

usually i use the netdania, it's perfect but it shows too short history period.

thank you very much.
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Has it worked for you? I wonder about the case when using open, high and low in indicators because of the different forex trading times.

Backtesting is prone to be erroneous, especially when downloading historical data from a provider different to your actual broker.

While MT4 is one of the best platforms, the simulated distribution of price during any given bar is the number one reason to fail most tests compared with reality.

For example: in reality a price can (and frequently does) easily hover a few pips around a certain level and suddenly drops or rises just before the bar is closing, be it H1 or H4 or Day. During simulation, MT4 tries to reconstruct price fluctutions based on the next lower timeframe, and fills in the blanks with near-random behaviour.

As result, while the same bar, that stayed 56 minutes at one level and then droped once to another level, the simulated candle easily touched both levels about 8 times.

Best recommendation from me is to build strategies based on closed bars and perhaps simply lower the timeframe. That way the results are much more realistic, accurate and way faster.

Best wishes and