Historic IntraDay Dow Jones Charts


Does anyone know where one can find previous daily charts for the Dow Jones ? I just want to back check some strategies. Thanks.
I would start saving them each evening as there doesn't seem to be a place to get hold of them. I can email some if you pm me.
I have some going back to 14 Oct with the odd day missing if that is of any use. PM me with your e mail address and I will mail them to you.
you can download this data from www.dukascopy.com in csv format, just follow the data feed links on the left hand menu. They store 3 months worth of per minute data, but you can only download 10,000 data points at a time (about 6 days) so it's a bit tedious.

I am looking for historical inter-day dow jones charts. I am not having much luck. I saw this posting of yours from several years go. Any sugeestions? I would really appreciate any help you can give me. Thanks.

I would start saving them each evening as there doesn't seem to be a place to get hold of them. I can email some if you pm me.