Historic company financial data source?


Established member

Does anybody know of any good data sources where I can get historic data such as cash-flow, balance sheets etc for uk companies for say last 20 years or so?

I have found yahoo offer this but only show 5 years historic data. Similar to MorningStar (they offer upto 10 years if you subscribe to their premium service). Ideally the more data the better. I am also happy to pay for this data if available anywhere ..... ?
I imagine you can get the quarterly and annual reports, those aren't just thrown away. For US I would contact the SEC, I guess for UK you'll need to contact the stock commission there. They must have a data base.
I imagine you can get the quarterly and annual reports, those aren't just thrown away. For US I would contact the SEC, I guess for UK you'll need to contact the stock commission there. They must have a data base.

Thanks, you would have thought so, I have looked on london stock exchange website (I assume this is what you mean by "stock commission") at the products they offer and again can't find anything..?). I am looking for UK historic data, and looked everywhere, though I am looking for a digital version so I feel I will be out of luck. As suppose somebody would have to dissect the annual reports to get this info(though I would have thought there some legislation on how to format balance sheets, cash flow etc, so may already be normalised and easily made digital/extracted?). It seems to be a job that MorningStar and yahoo seem to have done, just shame can't find anywhere else with more history. I have heard of a package called Capital IQ that may likely contain such data but I think it will likely be too expensive as this looks like a tool aimed at investment companies? Any CapitalIQ users able to clarify? I may give them a call later. I have phoned morningstar and they don't display more than 10 years data - something to do with "turning the service into a data feed which they are prevented from" for some reason? I think they may allow adhoc data extracts but again I suspect such bespoke extracts would be expensive...they said they'd get relevant team member to call back to discuss further requirement... but once I told them I was a private investor, I am not expecting to hear anything back lol?