Hi! I'm new

Hello! I've been reading you guys for a while, and I've finally decided to register and create my first post!

I've been trading with a small account for a while, only US shares. I have an account with IB and I use their software TWS. I am based in the UK.

I was wondering, can anyone suggest another charting software that can integrate with IB? I find that TWS is not the best for what I need (mostly TA and price action based trading). I've been playing around with the free version of TradingView, which I really like, but I know it doesn't offer a link to IB and I think charting with one software and trading with another adds a layer of complexity which I'd rather avoid.

I found TradeStation Global, which I heard has better charting and seems to enable IB - can anyone advise on it and on its pricing model, i.e. do you still pay IB fees & pay to use the TSG software (which I'd be fine with) or do you pay normal TS fees (which I heard are much higher than IB)? This is what I mean: https://www.tradestation-international.com/global/open-an-account/
I'm new and also in the UK, but over the course of weeks, I've been researching getting into trading and reading numerous reviews is that right now TrendSpider (webplatform) and TC2000 are the best. you won't be able to connect them to your broker. My strategy is, when I am up and ready (still trying to find a broker) is to do all the technical analysis either on TC2000 or TrendSpider and then execute the trade with the broker. Tradestation is a part of IB, if I remember correctly and if you do a simple google search on Tradestation Review, you'll find plenty of detailed reviews from finder.com, motley fool, stockbrokerchooser, etc

By the way, if you don't mind me asking. How do you find IB? I've been looking at them, but as I understand you need $25,000 in order to day trade the US stocks. I'm interested in your experience in setting up in UK to trade US shares. Are you buying shares CFD's or regular shares and how are you documenting per tax/CGT purposes?