Hi everyone...

Daniel Parker

My name is Daniel, I'm very new at Forex area.
This area is very intresting for me, and I would like to make it my additional income and perhaps even as income exclusively...
Now all I need is to learn how to do it :D
There are a lot of things that I not realy underatand such as pips...
Also, I try to practic with demo account (Meta trader 4) and I not really understand how it works...
So...Do you have any tips for me?
Please help me to learn Forex....

When you've all finished taking the micky out of Daniel, his approach is quite sound.

I wanted to become a brain surgeon, but having no knowledge or experience in this area,very little formal education and no more than a basic grasp of English, I logged onto learntodoopenbrainsurgery.com and asked there if someone could get me started. They also suggested I could find out everything on Google. I had to ask someone what that meant and if they could help me learn to learn everything from google and am currently waiting for responses on learntogoogleandtheworldisyouroyster/numbnuts.com.

So for all you lot making fun, listen well...

Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, it's still a shame, but less so. Fool me again, well, we won't get fooled again, unless it's done very cleverly, or we're very stupid. Or both.
Hi Daniel,

Please ignore all the smart as**
google is a terrible source of information, it will give you just the fx brokers and if you dig real hard you will find some average content.

In my years of trading i collected few sites with good information:

These two are very good but not comprehensive

and that one is very large but very complicated site

Good luck!