Hi everyone! need some advices


Junior member
Hello everyone,

I'm new to the forum. :clap:
Recently, I have become interested in Forex trading.
I'd like to get some advices on how to learn Forex. For example:
1) What are the best sites the offer forex trading services? (also which allow demo accounts)
2) What kind of learning strategies do you suggest for a beginner?

Also, I have a B.S. and a M.S. in computer science. Can they be any useful?

Thanks for the info.
Go to www.fxcm.com and open a micro demo account. That site has a lot of info regarding news etc .....you will spend some time figuring things out, but ya gotta start somewhere.

As for your degrees, my opinion is they will be of no use in this game.

As for learning strategies, learn to read charts first thing - practice on the demo for 6 - 12 months and ask questions.