Help with spam I can't get rid of?


Hi guys,

I have a spam problem. I've been getting the same BS over and over again, but each time from a different sender.

I have complained on the website given in the message, I have replied, (politely and then, not so politely) asking them not to send my this cr@p again. But alas, it just keeps coming.

Since my computer skills are somewhat limited, I would appreciate some advice.
Is it possible to block these emails, and if so, how do I do that?

Please help, as I am getting really frustrated with these people's arrogance and idiocy.

I am attaching an example.

Thank you.


  • Spam.doc
    24 KB · Views: 439
"May" is the word. I have webmail and just have to filter out the obvious things. In fact, 90% of my mail goes to the spam box and I manually extract the proper emails, it's got that bad.
"May" is the word. I have webmail and just have to filter out the obvious things. In fact, 90% of my mail goes to the spam box and I manually extract the proper emails, it's got that bad.

I have 3 webmail accounts and receive hardly any spam. In fact, I've just had a look at one (Gmail) and over the last month received only 9 spam messages. Are your spam settings correct and I hope you don't freely give out your email address. If you use any social networking sites such as Facebook, make sure that not every Tom, Dick and Harriet can see your details.
Can't help you with that spam problem, but, hehe, on a different topic, how'd it go with that guy rider ?

Hi Tenapenny,

Thank you so much for the link. ;)

Ironically I have already done everything that Bruce say you never should. I downloaded one of the spam filter programs that he recommends, so hopefully I'll now be able to avoid these disgusting emails.

Thanks again.
Can't help you with that spam problem, but, hehe, on a different topic, how'd it go with that guy rider ?



Unfortunately, it didn't go at all. He returned home from uni with a new lady by his side.

Oh well, on to the next trade. ;)
Oh well sorry to hear that, but that's just part of the game isn't it, so no worries.

Yup, just move right on to the next "trade".


Merry Christmas Rider
I have 3 webmail accounts and receive hardly any spam. In fact, I've just had a look at one (Gmail) and over the last month received only 9 spam messages. Are your spam settings correct and I hope you don't freely give out your email address. If you use any social networking sites such as Facebook, make sure that not every Tom, Dick and Harriet can see your details.

I've been using the internet since 1990 if that helps answer your questions. ;)
Ninja san but you didn't invent it did ya.


Well I'm no techie Rider but maybe some of this stuff can help:

Spam Links - spam prevention for users

It's really quite funny, or odd rather, the amount of spam I get depends on my email provider, my address gets the most, while my gets least, regularly at that, my two others in between.
Thanks BSD, a huge amount of great info there.

By the sound of it, I'm actually pretty fortunate, as I get no other spam than this. It's just getting on my nerves as it's from a different sender every time, so blocking the sender is totally useless.

Thanks again ;)
No probs.



Translates to: Only Spam again !
