Help with Direct Access Broker!


Hi all,
great forum and helpful for sure, can you help me guys choosing a direct access broker?
as i read many articles and thread i am unable to pick one.

Few months ago i used AimDayTrader ( with DAS software ( they allowed daytrading with $2000 account and their margin was 4:1
but to say the truth their fees are high and ate my earnings.

what am looking here is similar broker (direct access) who accepts international registrations but with lower fees and ability to use margin with accounts below $5000.

appreciate your help.

Thanks again...
How many shares do you trade a month? Was 4 to 1 margin enough buying power for you to trade your system? If not, going through a prop firm is probably your best bet if the margin was an issue. They will give you 10-20 to 1 if you put 3-5k down. You will have to trade a decent amount of shares to get a good rate, but the software will be MUCH better than a retail broker if you pick the right one. PM me and I can give you the laundry list of prop firms I have worked for and my experiences at them.