Help with creating a mt4 template


Junior member
Can someone help with createing a MT4 template as I don;t have any skill in creating one.

Here is the Strategy which I need template for.

Long Entry
Condition #1 -Today's close price is below the closing price from last week (the last price of last
Condition #2 – Today’s close price is below the close of yesterdays close price.
Condition #3 – Yesterdays close price is lower than the previous days close price.

Short Entry
Condition #1 – Today’s close price is above the closing price from last week ( the last price of
last Friday)
Condition #2 – Today’s close price is higher than the previous days close price.
Condition #3 – Yesterdays close price is above the previous days close price.

We look to enter into a trade once today’s close has taken place and all conditions are
met. We then add 7 pips to today’s close price and enter that as a buy stop order for a
long trade and subtract 7 pips from today’s close price and enter that as a sell stop
order for a short trade.