Help Setting up a Filter


So I've been trying to get this to work, but I don't know how:

I want to run The Explorer and add my stocks so it scans and tells me which stocks have hit a MACD indicator (one filter for buy, one for sell) in the past week/5 days.

It seems like the two MACD filters for The Explorer aren't giving me all the stocks that have hit MACD in the past week/month/day no matter how many times I try and edit the settings.

I just want an easy way throughThe Explorer to see which stocks have hit their MACD buy and sell indicators each week. 😕 Any guidance?
If you can post the full code you are trying to use in the Explorer it will be easier to offer some help and hopefully amend the code to achieve want you want.
It's just the basic default one listed "Equis - MACD Buy Signal", I didn't try to edit the code or anything beyond what user-friendly dialogue boxes allow me to do.