help Needed !!!!!!!!


Junior member
Hi all. I would really appreciate some help from all you guys and girls having the experience i wish i posessed. I have just started working for a reputable brokarage house in the city and am very excited at the prospects this could bring me. I am brokering single stocks and indicy options/mainly Eurostox/dax.............ok here is the the point I have been told that "should i not be able to bring in at least ONE client of my own (rather than broke with their existing clients) its time for me to take different job position (junior role....I love this industry so much and need to stay in this job position (could:clap: not afford to have to find another poition elsewhere) and would love to get to know ONE decent trader out there (either hedge fund or bank) who would give me the time of day and the opportunity to be able to excel on his/her behalf by offering them a max of 1 tick spreads (most cases tighter than that). All i can say is please come forward-i would love to meet for a drink or more BUT please dont pass me by.......
Please pm ill repond asap.
warm regards
Hi all. I would really appreciate some help from all you guys and girls having the experience i wish i posessed. I have just started working for a reputable brokarage house in the city and am very excited at the prospects this could bring me. I am brokering single stocks and indicy options/mainly Eurostox/dax.............ok here is the the point I have been told that "should i not be able to bring in at least ONE client of my own (rather than broke with their existing clients) its time for me to take different job position (junior role....I love this industry so much and need to stay in this job position (could:clap: not afford to have to find another poition elsewhere) and would love to get to know ONE decent trader out there (either hedge fund or bank) who would give me the time of day and the opportunity to be able to excel on his/her behalf by offering them a max of 1 tick spreads (most cases tighter than that). All i can say is please come forward-i would love to meet for a drink or more BUT please dont pass me by.......
Please pm ill repond asap.
warm regards
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