Help Needed


Junior member
Hi Guys Have A Friend Who Would Like To Start To Invest In Shares On A Monthly Basis But Only Wants To Invest Minimal Amounts £50-100 Plus A Month To Begin Till He Pays His Mortgage Off, Any Ideas Where He Would Go ? And The Beast Companies To Go To And Invest In ? Is It Best To Invest In Amarket Shares To Maximase Profits On Small Figures Or Bigger Ftse Companies
Any Info I Can Pass On Would Be Much Appreciated

It'd be better to save up the £100 and invest quarterly. Otherwise commissions would eat you up.

There are plenty of other website's which recommend companies to invest in, although do your homework first otherwise it's a gamble. I could tell you anything to invest in currently, for example - FOGL, but would you? Without any prior information about the company?
i would also recommend not starting quite that small. raise the money and invest it quarterly, or once every 6 months. commission, as stated before would eat your friend's account up.
also, have him read/study a lot about penny stocks. because with so little money he has no chance of making profit on usual shares. is he going to buy 3 shares of jpm ?
anyway, that's what i would do
thanks guys how would he go about trading these penny shares ? Research you would recommend and which brokers etc to go through
right now i am also in the process of researching and studying how to trade penny shares.
i am looking on the internet for as much info as i can, especially message boards, and paper trade penny shares. because in my opinion penny shares are a totally different story than normal shares.
for example what i do when researching penny shares is look for value and growth opportunities.
i would also advise looking into value investing.
There are penny stocks. But, the spread is often too wide and there are very few in which you'd make money out of. Usually once you get into them it's quite hard to get your money back out unless it's listed? Isn't spread betting FTSE stocks better, as the spread's are quite low and you get rewards vs pip's rather than percentage - correct me if i'm wrong. (Problem with that though is overnight costs, but with some companies this isn't very much.)
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