Help! IB Subs for Dow


Active member
Typical! Finished work early hoping to do some Dow trading. Come home to find Interactive Brokers telling me I need to subscribe to access INDU data, it's been working fine for weeks! 😕

Can anyone tell me if it's possible to get this free, or if not, which Exchange can I get it from cheapest with IB, or is there only one - NYSE?

I'm also interested to get the EUR/USD data - a la JonnyT's thread. I got it working in IB yesterday, that's stopped as well, couldn't get Sierra Charts to collect the data though, not sure of the symbol?


Non-professional US Securities and Commodities Exchanges USD 10.00 (Waived if monthly commissions > USD 30.00)
If you want to trade , then it's YM.
Thanks for the lightning reply Oatman - it's working again now.

Still not sure about EUR/USD, but I'll fiddle with it later.


Sorry Oatman, just saw your 'YM' comment - afraid I no understand!

I typed 'YM' into 'Underlying' in TWS, the exchange came up 'ECBOT', Description 'Index YM'.

Oh, by jove I think I have it! I want the Futures I take it? Not the Index? I don't get any info on the index - I suppose that's another sub!

Are you saying the one to trade is the future? I think I read that somewhere. I'm only SB'ing at the moment anyway, so I assume the Index will do?

I think JonnyT said (well typed!) Globex. Think I've got my data back, EUR GLOBEX MAR04 Futures 6EH4. Still not sure of Sierra symbol though.

Of course! Thank you.

I'd checked the website, but was looking at the 'New Format for Futures'.

