Help I want to get into trading


Please anyone out there has some tip's on how somebody like me. None university but successful sales career can get into the world of trading .I know and accept that I need to study and work my a$$ off but I also don't believe there is any min requirement to be successful with capitalism.

I currently live outside London and would love to hear from anyone who may know of company's that offer a training program.

I'm on hotmail [email protected]
Yahoo= [email protected]

Sorry about spelling mistakes but I'm also cooking dinner(hope I don't burn it) and Haven't got a clue if this site has a spell check.

don't let this put you
Hi Dan-Man,

Welcome to T2W.

The process of trading is easy - you just need to open an account with a broker and press either a 'Buy' button or a 'Sell' button. But learning to trade properly is hard and will take time. Everyone has their own opinions but I would say you need to give it at least a year (and possibly two or three) before you will be trading reasonably and making money on a consistent basis.

T2W is a very good place to start the learning process. You need to read around the board a lot. This thread by FTSE Beater is a very good place to start...

On the front page and on various posts you will also see that there are individuals and professional traders who provide training courses. If you want to learn then getting a good teacher is a good way to start.

Good luck.
Hi Dan-Man,

The US leads the world and an understanding of this can really help your trading.There is a free download about this on the home page of

A basic training course from a trader can also help.I now run these and they can be booked on the home page of t2w.Just follow the procedure for booking one of the other courses and when i contact you, tell me that you want 1-2-1 training for a beginner.

This is the response i had this week from an absolute beginner i taught.

Hi Alan

Thank you for a very informative day yesterday.

You have a great sense of humor, which made it fun to learn, and you
really helped me to have a better understanding of how the markets work
and how to trade them.

I consider it time well spent and good value for money.

Please feel free to use any of these comments as testimonials.

Best Wishes
if you are a successful salesman and you know when to close a sale, you will probably do ok.
just wait for the markets body language and then trade.

the market is just like selling and mainly about just waiting for that magic moment when you used to say
'and how would you like to pay sir ? cash or account ?"

the rest is minutiae , imo

best of luck.

You are correct when you say the market is just like selling.Even down to the trader being like a salesman.One or two decent sales/trades that go your way and you're really up for it and it seems you can do no wrong.

Feel bad at work,trading or selling for any number of reasons and the trader/ salesman will soon experience negativity when sales or trades dont work out and a spiral of negativity comes over them making it even harder to capture winning moves.

When that happens i chill out, take a break,sort out any problems that are preying on my mind and come back firing on all cylinders.I also lay off the booze the night before i trade as well.Which means i dont drink Mon -Fri.That one's tough.But it works.

A really brilliant old US trader once said to me analyse yourself at the beginning of every trading day and give yourself a score out of ten.If its not right up high, dont trade.
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Thanks ppl. All positive stuff. I'm gonna have a read through the threads as advised. Get my self some books and try to find some courses to attend. No point going on a course knowing nothing it'll fly over my head........(course's in the UK would be more comvenient,given I've still a sales area to run)

Any good books your fimilier with lets me know.

Thanks once again.
Same As

I was exactly where you are a year ago and cant believe how much I have learned over the past year, although I have read
about 15 books, and completed a hugh amount of screen time

Be careful on the courses a lot of them are worthless in the end its best to find someone who has been on a course then crib the best bits.

You need to set aside say $5000 dollars and be prepared to lose
it all during the learning period - this will be the best training you will ever receive. Before you trade, invest your time and lots of it before you invest a penny of your money.

Also you need to have this mentality ' I dont care what or how long it takes 2 years , 5 years whatever I will never ever give up my goal to be a profitable trader because I am doing this for my future' if you are unable to really have this attitude and keep it even in the darkest moments - then dont even start.

If you let me have your email I have lots of valuable stuff that will save you huge amounts of time - I also operate a very profitable system that has taken the past year to develop and will outperform anything you are likely to see or buy and if we get along well will share it with you( no charge).

