Help for a new addict



I'm only two weeks into discovering trading so am only practicing with demo accounts and still waiting for my books to come from the library, and wouldn’t dream of trading until I have a good understanding. Most of the technical lingo is still over my head.

The question i want to ask is are the demo accounts deliberately programmed to make you money so that you sign up???Don't thing this is the case as it follows the real currencies but im a complete novice making thousands with a demo account and just seems a bit to good to be true!

The most important questions i have are What are their usual trading commisions,and withdrawal commissions? Also whets an options payout and the fee for this??Why do they charge a management fee and whats the performance fee? Asp commission???

Was going to put up a copy of my statement to help but seems the screenshot is to big but could send it in a e-mail i suppose.Put it up a zip file so not sure if it will work.
Don't mean to sound like a muppet but read the pdf user guide for my trading programme and doesnt cover the account statements and have no books!!Any help would be greatly appreciated as this trading game is more addictive than crack but want ot practice good habits not engrain bad ones!!!!


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