Hello, newtrader/ also a journalist on traders


Hello im new in the trading bussiness but I do know some background informaton. I go around to diffrent websites and meet with traders to find out their history, opinion on recent events and what they know about the market. I know many traders who trade at NYSE,NYMEX AND ETC. so please help me out here. I posted blogs about certain products and ideas as well as companies offering trading advice, would you guys as trader subcribe to trading advisory companies who offer a variety of commentaries and quotes updats every 20 min and help you become a better trader? hope to hear from you all soon!
subscribe ? your mean pay money for trading advice ? commentaries ? mmm let me think about it .... NO
Having considered your offer carefully, taking into consideration the potential benefits and balancing this with the likely cost along with the broader implications for my own wealth as well as that of my local area, district and country. I have to say that it will not meet with my goals and objectives to be reliant on a third party service that may not be able to be sustained for an extended period of time and as such I will be declining this. I felt it was only appropriate to give a full and frank explanation of my decision and hope that it will not sour any future dealings that may be of mutual benefit for us to be involved in.

My flag would like to give his verdict to your kind offer (n)


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From "Studies in Tape Reading" by R.D. Wyckoff, p. 16

First, he must be absolutely self-reliant. A dependent person, whose judgment hangs upon that of others, will find himself swayed by a thousand outside influences. At critical points his judgment will be useless. He must be able to say: "The facts are these; the resulting indications are these; therefore I will do thus and so."