hello, i am newcomer


hi everyone here, have a good day n trade.. i am new here and wanna share anything useful in forex.. need guidance from experienced trader.. 🙂🙂

Welcome.....Look forward to your contribution / discussions on this site...

regards and all the best....

hi everyone here, have a good day n trade.. i am new here and wanna share anything useful in forex.. need guidance from experienced trader.. 🙂🙂

It may not help but Nordex Copenhagen operated by UK persons took my money and later was closed down by the authorities, a total loss. They even played 'dealing room' tapes in the background! I understand that the principal moved on to other scams in Germany and perhaps Amsterdam. Both were closed down but the principal is reported living the high life in another Euopean country.
Advice is: have your dealer checked out most carefully. Offshore outfits are offshore for a reason...not for your benefit and virtually impossible to pursue. Even when the perpetrators are caught, (very difficult when they move jurisdictions and have used alias names) the money is not.
If you invest be prepared spend many hours daily following the rates by the hour, unless you have a dealer who is purer than Caesar's wife and even then I'd counsel selling on a profit not waiting for the killing. Jim:!:
It may not help but Nordex Copenhagen operated by UK persons took my money and later was closed down by the authorities, a total loss. They even played 'dealing room' tapes in the background! I understand that the principal moved on to other scams in Germany and perhaps Amsterdam. Both were closed down but the principal is reported living the high life in another Euopean country.
Advice is: have your dealer checked out most carefully. Offshore outfits are offshore for a reason...not for your benefit and virtually impossible to pursue. Even when the perpetrators are caught, (very difficult when they move jurisdictions and have used alias names) the money is not.
If you invest be prepared spend many hours daily following the rates by the hour, unless you have a dealer who is purer than Caesar's wife and even then I'd counsel selling on a profit not waiting for the killing. Jim:!:
This is so tiresome. Just because you aren't a very bright spark why should you assume that our thread starter is also a bit dim?

I remember years ago when I first started trading and I went through the process of working out who to trade with. It took me all of a couple of hours research on the net to work out who the likely candidates were, and of course as I have a couple of brain-cells to rub together I did due diligence on them, and ended up picking IG which turned out to be a pretty good choice.

Judging by the state of this forum either I'm unusually bright, or other people that start trading are unusually thick. By the way you're advice to not trust your broker and sell on a profit is pure horse****. If you don't trust your broker why would you have put your money with them in the first place?!
Senior Member

This is so tiresome. Just because you aren't a very bright spark why should you assume that our thread starter is also a bit dim?

I remember years ago when I first started trading and I went through the process of working out who to trade with. It took me all of a couple of hours research on the net to work out who the likely candidates were, and of course as I have a couple of brain-cells to rub together I did due diligence on them, and ended up picking IG which turned out to be a pretty good choice.

Judging by the state of this forum either I'm unusually bright, or other people that start trading are unusually thick. By the way you're advice to not trust your broker and sell on a profit is pure horse****. If you don't trust your broker why would you have put your money with them in the first place?!

Dear Senior Member Virtuoso, I apologise for being the instrument of causing you to express such a revulsion towards the forum and I. Your unusually perspicacious and experienced recommendation as to whom I should invest with suggests a marketing objective, rather than a desire to contribute constructively to the forum.
In case readers missed the point earlier, foreign exchange trading is one of the fora most open to unethical practices and I very highly recommend devoting considerably more time than a couple of hours, satisfying yourself of the veracity of anyone you place your forex dosh with. That is, unless you are as virtuosoly bright, clear, experienced and expressive as our friend. And even then...
Dear Senior Member Virtuoso, I apologise for being the instrument of causing you to express such a revulsion towards the forum and I. Your unusually perspicacious and experienced recommendation as to whom I should invest with suggests a marketing objective, rather than a desire to contribute constructively to the forum.
In case readers missed the point earlier, foreign exchange trading is one of the fora most open to unethical practices and I very highly recommend devoting considerably more time than a couple of hours, satisfying yourself of the veracity of anyone you place your forex dosh with. That is, unless you are as virtuosoly bright, clear, experienced and expressive as our friend. And even then...
Apologies for the tone of my message there, it was a little OTT wasn't it! I'm not recommending IG by the way, I haven't traded with them (or rather betted with them) for years.