Hello Everyone What a great site

Peter 1

Junior member
Hello everyone
I have been trading for 4 yrs now and have to say that finding this downright dynamite site is just the best ever !! , I've even cancelled the isolation therapy course
As you guys know it's almost impossible to communicate with the uninitiated
In the early days that included my children who could, of course find much better uses for the money ..These days they often tell me stuff I didn't already know
Anyhow, being stuck in a room all day surrounded by books and computers and that wonderful cnbc music all the time ..can do strange things to you ..so I'll press on and just say where I'm at and hope some of you might wanna add some threads

I started by purchasing an analysis program called Prophecy in 96 and paper traded for a couple of years before feeling confident enough to take the plunge with Footsie options
My very first call netted 4 k , absolutely fatal..!! There then followed a period of winning and losing while I tried to get sorted looking for steady climbers with best volatility factors (scus the lack of technical jargon ) My Prophecy course came with a video that made it all look far too easy and took little account of fundamental issues.
I found myself having to learn something new every day in order to stay afloat and also became dependant on constantly trading Zeneca and Glaxo calls then puts,alternately. Trying to second guess the mkt suddenly seemed futile with so many unforeseen disasters occurring , the Japanese crash,conflicts wars etc
I started reading everything n anything including David Swatrtz and was amazed to find how the mkts actually did do the same things at the same times each year.
Over the yrs there have been both painful and wonderful times.My present trading situation is this, I've started trading Futures with a spread bet co so as not to incur capital gains, mostly the Mibtel for it's amazing, sometimes 400 point daily range
I trade less than i once did and only on what I feel to be absolute certainties, choosing key points in the year . The spreads on Mib futures are 80 points and it costs a further 80 for a stop loss but I'm often in the money on the first day or out of the trade.
My own trading formula after 10 yrs interest 4 yrs trading is 50%tech,10%cyclical 30% fundamental and
10% flying by the seat of yr pants

My questions are;

Has anyone got experience with Omnitrader, particularly the Futures edition as it looks like the answer to a maiden's dream ?

Has anyone got any ideas or thoughts they might like to share concerning this last Half/ quarter of the election yr we are in ?

Are we heading for an oil crisis or is this blip just speculation?


peter 1 😆

In this world there are three kinds of people

Them that makes things happen
Them that don't make things happen
and them that wonder what the **** is happenin
Thanks ....

aarie5 said:
hi peter 1
go to discussion tab,search for a post, enter omnitrader and click search.

Thanks .. will try all these links over the weekend
Do you know anything about the chat section of the site as I couldn't seem to get it working and what is the download thing that gets into your comp and prevents 'start up' etc as I had to delete it all today ..a complicated process
All the great Links and a multitude of useful n interesting stuff more than make up for it ..was just wondering what it was meant to do
Happy and successful trading
and have a great weekend
Peter 1
Hi Peter 1

I like your signature. I guess I'm still trying to figure out which of the three categories I fit into!
- 😕 🙁 😱 🙁 😢 😡 :-0 🙄 😉 😆
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jtrader said:
Hi Peter 1

I like your signature. I guess I'm still trying to figure out which of the three categories I fit into!
- 😕 🙁 😱 🙁 😢 😡 :-0 🙄 😉 😆
ME TOO...LOL : :cheesy: 🙄 :cheesy: Maybe it's an actual advantage if we don't know or begin to wonder ...too much, how's the world with you and What sort of trading are you into these days ??Look's like Venezuela, and Charves might be this week's big Oil story. I'm hoping for some sizable Dow flutuations myself ..good luck
Peter 1

Rognvald said:
Check out the Software Guide and the Omnitrader reviews


Thanks Rognvald

for the link, will check it out now ...was just wondering how you might rate Omnitrader over other software??
With all those bells n whistles it makes my system look positively Flintstonesque ..
I take it you are on the Celts side of Hadrian's wall... as wouldn't the shadow fall on that side for the greater part of the year ??That's a wonderful part of the country you are living in ..How do you see the last quarter panning out ?? Looks like the oil problems will get worse before getting better . I'm hoping for Dow fluctuations again this week .
best regards and thanks
Peter 1
Trader333 said:

Thanks Paul

Hey nice pic ... no one's gonna argue with Arnie ..right .. will check out the links
how do you rate Omnitrader over other software ?
See you are into recording music too ... I'm still finding my way around a home recording system, drum loops n double tracking having played guitar, written songs/played in bands, etc since school days ..way back when Adam was a lad... 😆
thanks n nice hearing from you
peter 1
I don't need a tool like Omnitrader but if I did I would look carefully at other competing software too. The most important conderation in my view is that I classified it as a "Grey Box" meaning that its search algorithms are not fully disclosed to the user. This puts the user totally at the mercy of the system in relation to the action of those algorithms. Read the "toolbox", "Grey Box", "Black Box" distinctions again in the Software review before going any further.

I live on the North side of the wall and Northumberland is a very attractive county.

Peter 1 said:
Thanks Rognvald

for the link, will check it out now ...was just wondering how you might rate Omnitrader over other software??
With all those bells n whistles it makes my system look positively Flintstonesque ..
I take it you are on the Celts side of Hadrian's wall... as wouldn't the shadow fall on that side for the greater part of the year ??That's a wonderful part of the country you are living in ..How do you see the last quarter panning out ?? Looks like the oil problems will get worse before getting better . I'm hoping for Dow fluctuations again this week .
best regards and thanks
Peter 1