HCFI, New Life? New CEO Email:


Re: Large Volume Shareholder. Very Concerned. CEO please respond...!
Saturday, January 31, 2009 12:39 PM
From: "Healthy Coffee International" <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Our response below.
----- Original Message -----
Any Ideas views or feedback?
From: Will
To: [email protected] ; [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2009 9:03 AM
Subject: Large Volume Shareholder. Very Concerned. CEO please respond...!


I have 10 million shares purchased at 0.0005. Now I have stock which has no value and seems like the company is either, bankrupt "dead, in jail? I am about to contact the SEC to find out you people even exist anymore? You never respond personally! Please do so now and show some Honor...!

(1) Are you bankrupt or ceased to exist?
We are very well, thank you. We just opened our UK operations, and we are now in 6 countries

(2) If not, how bad of shape is the company?
The potential of our company is huge. We need to send you samples so you can see, and taste our products. We are a real company.

(3) Can you offer any positive feedback?
Absolutely. We are building a network of independent distributors worldwide.

(4) FYI: I hope you know you have a bad reputation. So this is one reason their is now little interest. You need to open up
What do you mean by this? It is a pity that there are many people who talk bad and bash our stock. However, our business is going well, and we are continuing to expand our newtork by opening more countries. We are moving forward, building the business

Healthy Coffee USA Support Team
email: [email protected]
Healthy Coffee
Why don't you ask him to send you, as is your right as a shareholder, the latest audited set of accounts. Plus the full name and address of the auditor.

That will answer your questions in depth but I think you won't like what you read, if in fact they can send you anything.

If he cannot provide you with the accounts, and they must be audited then you should contact the SEC as I would think they are acting illegally.