Has anyone seen this or used this?


Its a site called invest33.com.
Someone stating they are an ex floor broker from Chicago.
Selling a "Method" for trading futures for $1600.😆
Im putting it here because I think it is a scam.
But I would like to hear from anyone who has any experience with it.
Especially real traders and not names made up by the people selling it.:cheesy:
They used to have a site called trading33.com which seems to have disappeared.
Its all registered under whois protection.
The promotion of it on youtube is done by an account name called tradeasia.
A bit far from Chicago I would think.
There track record would seem to be bogus.
Because they have a free trial giving the trades generated using the system, on instant messenger's, and someone I know tried it.
And they told me that they constantly put correction and put a totally different signal.
This is how they would get such favorable results of course.
Covering up mistakes is bad news for any trader.
IE:They put close:buy, then they put correction: buy stop at some other favorable price, like totally disregarding the last losing close signal, keeping the trade which is now in profit open which they just told to close.
Anyway give experiences.👍
'Dr. Jones' - your post doesn't make sense. I watched the live trading demonstration from the invest33.com site myself. It seemed legitimate to me. It was on an instant messenger, he would post the trade entry order, and later he would post the trade exit, and if you have real time quotes, you simply watch to see if it the price is executed. No way for that to be 'bogus'. Well, he called 10 winners and just 1 loser, at least when I was watching.

I didn't buy a copy, I use my own trading system. But I talked to him by phone, and it was a Chicago tel. number that I called.
Can someone a mod or something tell me why all my old threads inquiring about trading scams on the internet are suddenly being bumped years later, by possible shill bots trying to legitimize the scams?
I with my own eyes watched this seller of this scam "attempt" to trade live on yahoo messenger, and watched him go back and scratch losing trades, and then sign out and say the evaluation is over.
Would this not possibly show someone that the guy lies about his trades?
When I watched it live?Watched him going back and scratching losers?
Then got so frustrated he took off? LOL
Can someone a mod or something tell me why all my old threads inquiring about trading scams on the internet are suddenly being bumped years later, by possible shill bots trying to legitimize the scams?
I with my own eyes watched this seller of this scam "attempt" to trade live on yahoo messenger, and watched him go back and scratch losing trades, and then sign out and say the evaluation is over.
Would this not possibly show someone that the guy lies about his trades?
When I watched it live?Watched him going back and scratching losers?
Then got so frustrated he took off? LOL

Lotta this going around. The new member , 1 post wonders give it away. Unfortunately they do it because it's profitable. Plenty suckers will ignore all warnings, bad reviews, and negative posts. The sad part is there are some members on here that let themselves get victimized over and over again.

Recently there was some hacking of a security firms servers the company HB Gary did you hear?
And they found the most crazy software that actually comes across like a real human personality which was posting on forums and trying to promote certain agendas the security firm was paid to promote.
Anyway recently since this got into hackers hands, its not just promoting the government etc.
I think now they are using it for other purposes like selling junk because I have started seeing a lot posts that seem so much like a spambot yet seem so human like.
Dr. Jones, I think you are a liar, and I'm not a "spambot".

I witnessed the live trading demonstration on the website you mentioned, and I saw no "scam". The trading signals were legitimate, and in real-time.

In your original post you said "someone I know" tried the live trading demonstration.

But in your second post you claim that you saw the live demonstration "with your own eyes". Which is it?
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I think you all are bitter about years of losing in the markets, and you are looking to blame someone other than yourselves.

I'll try to explain it again: the guy from the website gave a live demonstration of trading signals. The trades were a net win. The trade calls were verified by watching live quotes.

If you haven't tried the system in question you have no knowlege of whether it is 'worthless' or not.
Dr. Jones, I think you are a liar, and I'm not a "spambot".

I witnessed the live trading demonstration on the website you mentioned, and I saw no "scam". The trading signals were legitimate, and in real-time.

In your original post you said "someone I know" tried the live trading demonstration.

But in your second post you claim that you saw the live demonstration "with your own eyes". Which is it?

Im a liar?
When I watched the idiot do it myself?
And scratch losing trades and then when he lost more he abandoned the demonstration?
That's right in the first post I put "someone I know" which to people with half a brain generally means me.
Mods can you please remove this idiot shills posts clearly they are here to try to promote this garbage.
If you haven't tried the system in question you have no knowlege of whether it is 'worthless' or not.

I have watched the person on yahoo messenger mess up the trades and LOSE.
And then when he does says "scratch that" trade that he lost going back in time like it never happened.
And we all know what happens to traders who try to hide their losers and lie to themselves.
And then when the next ones lost he simply just took off in frustration.
I did this with 2 different yahoo id's on 2 different occasions.
As if you would ever even consider paying an idiot like this any money for any trading system.
So please go away shill you are just making a fool of yourself.
Well, if what you claim is true - then no one would buy his system - right? Anyway, I see he is back giving a live trading demonstration, so I will see for myself. Go get a life, 'Jones'.