Hallin Marine (HMS)


Legendary member
A friend of mine who's a LTBH investor has phoned me in a panic this morning as the share price for HMS has collapsed around 30% overnight. As he's not on the interweb, he phoned me to see if I could find out why. I've done all the obvious Google searches, but come up with nothing. Could anyone who has access to a good live news feed be kind enough to post what the story is please?
Many thanks,
Hallin Marine Subsea – Trad stmt, announces that the Group's unaudited management accounts for the first

half of 2009 are expected to show that the Group's revenue for the period ended 30 June 2009 is slightly ahead of revenues reported in the same period last year but that the half year results will reflect margins below those for 2008. This echoes the statement of the Chairman in the 2008 annual report that the Group has experienced an increasingly more competitive trading environment than last year with a consequent effect on margins. This margin pressure is expected to continue in the second half of 2009. The Company also expects the seasonal demand of the market in which it operates to revert to a more traditional cycle, rather than the unusually beneficial conditions which have been present throughout the last two years. Hallin continues to win significant new work and anticipates further announcements in this regard in the near future. The Directors remain confident that the business is well positioned to exploit opportunities as they occur and will take advantage of the gradual upturn in demand as the oil & gas industry returns to more normal conditions.
Cheers foredog.
My investor friend is not a happy bunny! He expects the share prices of his holdings to take a hit once in a while when there's a poor trading statement but, in this case, because of the size of the move - he assumed (not unreasonably) that something really major had occurred. Certainly, a 30% drop in one day just because margins are a down on last year seems excessive. Another reason to be a trader rather than a LTBH investor!
LOL seems like your the 'friend'
Ah well, things are rarely as they seem tripleogster!
Apart from a few windfall shares, I've never held anything for more than a day or two, and I haven't done that for quite a few years now.
I'm sure timsk is one of the few honest people who will tell it like it is. If he was the holder, he'd say so :)

As a general rule people holding long term positions should be well diversified across different types of shares in different and unrelated industries. From my dim and distant days of reading about such things I believe the optimum number to achieve diversification is 14.
Of course, come a slump, such holders are leaden footed and suffer as the tide goes out.